Quizzes 在线小测验 |
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Work 工作
[ 2007-03-26 08:54 ]
You said:They've hired himThey've taken him onThey've given him the jobThey've let him go

如果公司 'hires you', 那么就是聘用你了。
如果公司 'takes you on', 那么就是聘用你了。
如果公司 'give you the job', 那么就是给你一份工作了。相反的情况会是什么呢?
如果你 'let someone go', 就是辞退某人了。其它3个答案都是给人工作的意思。
6 |
I need an assistant - I'm up to ___________ with work. |
The possible answers were:
my eyes
my ears
all of the above answers