Discover UK, Wales --- Wales International Consortium
[ 2007-04-04 08:50 ]
The Wales International Consortiumis committed to helping international students applying to Wales to find a place on a suitable course.
For more information on the portfolio of undergraduate and postgraduate courses, for information on the English language level requirements for each institution in Wales UK, for information on courses to improve your standard of English language and ongoing support available at each institution during the duration of your study, for information on foundation programmes throughout the world and on foundation programmes in Wales, for information on specialist subjects, for information on MBA's in Wales UK and fees, for information on second semester intake starting in either January or February, for information on scholarships and bursaries, and for information on fees and package deals available which offer a reduced charge for accommodation and fees.
The new matrix of schools is now available offering you information on ALL courses throughout Wales. An easy to use guide to which institutions offer which courses.
More information:
Wales International Consortium(威尔士国家高教委员会)致力于确保在威尔士的国际学生可以得到高质量的教育,让他们感受到威尔士多彩而独特的文化氛围。
英国的教育条件得到全世界的认可和尊敬。威尔士高等教育机构的良好条件提供给国际学生一个光明而成功的未来,增强事业前景和吸引更多资金目标。 威尔士高等教育提供机会给所有国际学生,让他们去充分发挥特长、发挥潜能和发展很强的英语技能,成为世界公认的优秀学生的标志。
Wales International Consortium将致力于确保所有申请在威尔士学习的国际学生都有相适应的课程。我们相信我们所有的国际学生都有潜力获得成功,并且我们有责任确保为每个学生都能根据个人兴趣和能力找到合适的课程。