Why students choose UWIC?
Students have many different reasons for choosing to study here. For some, the quality of the course is important; for others it is the social life and facilities offered by the city. A proportion of students tell us they chose Cardiff because the city does not leave them feeling overwhelmed; others wish to be close to their home. Whatever their reason for choosing Cardiff, all our students say that when they leave us at the end of their course they take with them memories of friendship, warmth and hospitality.

Relationships with employers
Analysis shows that some 95% of our students have found suitable employment or have enrolled for higher level courses within six months of completing their studies. This success rate is achieved because of the emphasis we place on providing courses which lead to rewarding careers. It also reflects the close links that are maintained with employers and practitioners.

International links
UWIC places great importance on the need to prepare students for the increasing opportunities for work overseas. Language training is provided on a number of courses. Work placements and study visits outside the United Kingdom have been established together with a thriving programme of student exchange schemes.

UWIC - a quality education
UWIC provides education and training opportunities that are accessible, flexible and are of the highest quality and has been independently acclaimed for its high academic standards and for its high level of student satisfaction. A measure of success being that in 2005, UWIC was the first UK University institution to be awarded the Government's Charter Mark for excellence for the fourth time which is a first for a UK university.
UWIC joins a small select group within the UK who, building on the principles embodied within the Charter Mark, have been re-examined by the Commission, and deemed worthy of renewal of the coveted award. Specific points singled out for praise, were our dedicated staff and the high level of satisfaction expressed among our students.
As our whole philosophy at UWIC is centred around the student experience in all aspects, we have every intention of carrying forward the principles embodied within the Charter Mark, and to continue to build upon our success to date.

You can get more information about all of our courses which can be accessed from the following link:http://www.uwic.ac.uk/new/courses/index.asp
International students at UWIC are provided with a good support service which helps students achieve their aims whilst getting the most from the cultural experience of living and studying in Europe's Youngest Capital City. You will find a large amount of information on the services offered by following this link:http://www.uwic.ac.uk/international/
As a progressive institution, we are quite flexible and value both work experience and academic qualifications and are happy to consider students from a wide range of academic backgrounds. For some guidance you may want to look at our guidelines for applying:
Students can apply directly to us by downloading an application from our website:http://www.uwic.ac.uk/international/applying/international.pdf
UWIC's course fees are some of the lowest in the UK. This allows the University to offer entry to the widest range of students possible. Consequently the University does not offer any scholarships to any students but rather, keeps costs as low as possible. For information on fees please look at the following site:http://www.uwic.ac.uk/international/Finance_Immigration/course_fees.asp