办公室会话:吃饭 [ 2007-05-15 10:15 ]
同事之间一起吃顿饭可以很好的协调关系、沟通感情,比如 Donald 和 Debra:
Donald: Let's eat out, shall we? 唐纳德:我们出去吃,怎么样?
Debra: I'm broke. I've gone through my paycheck for the week
already. 黛布拉:我没钱了。这周的工资已经花完了。
Donald: Don't worry about it. It's my treat. 唐纳德:别担心,我请你。
Debra: You're sure? You're so generous! 黛布拉:真的?你太大方了!
Donald: And nice, too. 唐纳德:而且很好。
Debra: So, where are you taking me? 黛布拉:那你请我去哪啊?
Donald: Some place you've never been before. Donald's
Kitchen. 唐纳德:一个你从来没去过的地方:我家的餐厅。
Mary: Thanks for lunch. It was delicious. 玛丽:谢谢你的午餐,非常好吃。
Shelly: It's OK. 雪莉:不客气。
Mary: Next time lunch is on me. 玛丽:下次我请。
Shelly: Don't be silly. 雪莉:得了吧。
Mary: I'm serious. 玛丽:我说真的。
Shelly: All right. Next time you'll treat. 雪莉:好吧,下次你请。
Mary: It's a deal! 玛丽:就这么定了。
Louise: How often do you eat out, Shelly? 路易丝:雪莉,你经常出去吃吗?
Shelly: Well, very often. I eat out almost five times a
week. 雪莉:太经常了,我几乎一周5次都在外面吃。
Louise: Wow, I really envy you. 路易丝:哇,太羡慕你了。
Shelly: Don't envy me. It's for business. In fact, I'm sick and tired of
restaurant food. Sometimes I just want a home-cooked
meal. 雪莉:有什么好羡慕的,都是为了谈生意。实际上,我都吃腻了餐馆里的东西了。有时候我真想吃家里做的饭。
(来源:www.focusenglish.com 实习生江巍 英语点津 Annabel 编辑)