办公室会话:发火 [ 2007-05-16 10:55 ]
Clara: What happened just now, Mark? You weren't very kind when you were
talking with Ted. What do you have against
him? 克拉拉:马克,刚才怎么回事?你和泰德说话的态度不是很好啊。你对他有什么不满吗?
Mark: I just don't like him at all. 马克:我就是不喜欢他。
Clara: Why? Is there something in particular? 克拉拉:为什么?有什么特别的原因吗?
Mark: Well, he has such a mean streak in him! I went to his office to ask him
for some help, and he simply turned up his nose at me! I was so angry that I
wanted to slap him! He wasn't like that before he got the job. Now he's such a
snob! 马克:他太刻薄太无礼了!我刚才去他办公室找他帮忙,他理都不理我一下!气死我了,真想扇他一巴掌!他没坐这个职位以前不是这样的,真势利!
Clara: You want my advice? Let it go. 克拉拉:想听听我的建议吗?别去想了。
Mark: Of course, logically I know you're right, but somehow I just can't
bring myself to forget it. Even the mention of his name starts me
fuming. 马克:当然,按理说你是对的,可是我就是过不去。就连提他的名字都让我火大。
Judy: You look like you're fuming. What's going on? 朱蒂:你气得快冒烟了。怎么了?
Andy: The boss is being unreasonable! He flared up at me, making a mountain
out of molehill! 安迪:老板太不讲理了!一点小事就冲我发火。
Judy: What's the "molehill" he made a mountain out of? 朱蒂:什么小事?
Andy: I only made a few more copies, and I didn't think it was any big deal,
but he blew up at me! 安迪:我就多复印了几份文件,没什么大不了的,他就发火了。
Judy: Well, he has been under a lot of pressure recently. The company has
been losing money and he's been a little bit
depressed. 朱蒂:哎,他最近压力挺大的。公司一直亏损,他有点沮丧。
Andy: Well, I know he has the blues, but it doesn't mean he can vent his
anger on me. 安迪:我知道他心情不好,可是他也不能冲我撒气呀。
Jane: You look so angry. What happened? 简:你看起来很生气呀,怎么了?
Mark: Nothing. I'd rather not talk about it. Just don't
ask. 马克:没什么,我不想说,所以别问了。
Jane: Come on. I think you need to let off some steam. Besides, you shouldn't
keep your feelings pent up. They'll eat you alive. So, talk to
me. 简:来吧,我觉得你应该把愤怒发泄出来。而且不能压抑自己的情绪,它们会吞了你的。跟我说说。 Mark: All right. This
morning I took my car to the garage to have them check the air-conditioner. They
only gave it a once-over, refilled it with some Freon, and charged me 300
bucks! 马克:好吧。我今天早上去修车厂修车里的空调,他们就随便看了一下,加了点氟利昂,就要我300块钱!
Jane: No wonder you're livid. I'd be mad, too, if someone ripped me off like
that. 简:怪不得你脸都绿了。如果人家这么打发我的话,我也会很生气的。
Mark: Yeah. AND they were rude. They said I didn't know anything about cars,
which I don't, but they didn't have to be so
blunt! 马克:是啊,更过分的是他们很无礼。他们说我根本不懂车,我是不懂,可是他们也不能这么说我呀!
Jane: Sounds like you got a raw deal! Maybe you should file a complaint with
the Consumer Protection Agency. 简:看来你真是受到了很糟的待遇。你可以向消费者保护协会投诉他们。
(来源:www.focusenglish.com 实习生江巍 英语点津 Annabel 编辑)
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