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[ 2007-06-08 15:47 ]


Every night when we take off our socks and shoes, our feet smell. This annoys many people, especially men.

The culprits in foot odor are sweat-eating bacteria.

The problem begins when bacteria are attracted to the sweat on your feet and start feeding on it.

The bacteria's excretion has a strong odor that causes your feet to smell bad.

Since each foot has over 250,000 sweat glands and produces over a pint of sweat a day, there's a lot for the bacteria to eat.

What make the situation worse are the shoes and socks that trap the sweat on your skin. Now the bacteria have their favorite kind of environment: dark and damp, causing them to go into a feeding frenzy. More waste is excreted, and when you take off your socks and shoes, you can smell the results!

Some people's feet smell more than others because they sweat more than others. That's also the reason why your own foot odor can vary. You might sweat more at different parts of the day. The more you sweat, the more your feet will smell.

Since more sweat equals more bacteria and more odor, it's a good idea to try to decrease the amount of sweat on your feet. . This will lessen the amount of bacteria as well. Putting inserts in shoes will mask part of the problem, but they won't solve it as they fail to kill bacteria. If your foot odor is really strong, the best method of prevention is to see a doctor. There are several prescriptions available to treat foot odor.

culprits: 主犯,罪魁祸首
bacteria: 细菌
odor: 气味
excretion: (动植物的)排泄, 排泄物
glands: 腺毛
frenzy: 狂暴, 狂怒

(来源:coolquiz.com 英语点津 Annabel 编辑)


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