This is the gruesome reality Iberia Parish Sheriff's Detective Dave Robicheaux discovers as he is deployed to New Orleans. As James Lee Burke's new novel, The Tin Roof Blowdown, begins, Hurricane Katrina has left the commercial district and residential neighborhoods awash with looters and predators of every stripe. The power grid of the city has been destroyed, New Orleans reduced to the level of a medieval society. There is no law, no order, no sanctuary for the infirm, the helpless, and the innocent. Bodies float in the streets and lie impaled on the branches of flooded trees. In the midst of an apocalyptical nightmare, Robicheaux must find two serial rapists, a morphine-addicted priest, and a vigilante who may be more dangerous than the criminals looting the city.
About Author
James Lee Burke, who, among other jobs, worked as a reporter and social worker before becoming a best-selling author, has twice received the Edgar Award for Best Novel, for Black Cherry Blues in 1990, and Cimarron Rose in 1998. He has two new books coming out.
推理文坛上,获得两次爱伦坡大奖的作家只有两位,一九三六年出生于美国休士顿的詹姆士·李·勃克(James Lee Burke)便是其中一位。身兼学者、社工、推理作家三重身分的詹姆士·李·勃克,从十九岁开始便热衷于创作,直至今天,他共出版了十九本著作,荣登过全美畅销排行金榜,并且有多部小说成功地卖出电影改编版权。