Chief Justice Zhou Qiang, president of the Supreme People's Court (SPC), delivered a report on the work of the SPC on Thursday to the third session of the 12th National People's Congress.

The pressing matter for China's family planning is to adjust the country's demographic structure, which is more important than controlling the size of the population. I suggest that the country allow highly-educated people to have a third child to improve the population's quality.

作家池莉现在都在网上购书,而几乎不再逛书店买书了。她表示如今在书店的书架上很难找到她心里 真正意义上的“书”。池莉是一位来自湖北省的57岁女作家。她说:“书店里的大部分书都是工具书,这些书都是帮助人们通过考试或者赚到更多的钱,我觉得这些都不是真正的书。”
Writer Chi Li rarely visits bookshops anymore and instead buys online as she believes it is difficult to find what she calls "real" books on shop shelves. "Most of the books in shops are reference works to help residents pass a test or earn more money, which in my eyes are not real books," said Chi, 57, from Hubei province.
“个人游”“一签多行”会否调整,粤港澳合作将走向何方……全国人大代表、国务院港澳事务办公室副主任周波在接受采访时说,不能把“个人游”、“一签多行”出现的问题夸大,更不能把这些问题政 治化。中央政府将优化“个人游”、“一签多行”的政策,将会根据实际情况统筹考虑,兼顾各方面的需要。
Regulations covering individual visits to Hong Kong and multiple-entry permits are to be revised to promote contact between tourists from the mainland and the region's residents, according to an official from the State Council's Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office.

China's ban on the harvesting of organs from executed prisoners for transplant will not cause the shortage of donated organs, an expert said on Wednesday. Huang Jiefu, head of the country's human organ donation and transplant committee, made the remarks at a press conference on the sidelines of the annual session of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) in Beijing.

The Premier noted in his government work report that “China's economic development has entered a new normal, meaning we must adopt a new attitude.’