
The premier responded to a report that Chinese tourists to Japan often buy toilet seat lids to bring home. He said: "If the toilet seat lids are of the same quality, at leasts the consumers can save the air ticket."

新疆将出台反极端法 禁穿蒙脸罩袍

The legislature of the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region plans to draft a regulation by 2016 to curb religious extremism. It may include a ban on wearing clothes in public linked to religious extremism such as full face and body coverings.


Bai said: "Newsstands could be built as Wi-Fi spots with electronic signboards showing all kinds of cultural information. As such, people in the city could find cultural services everywhere."


Chinese President Xi Jinping called to strengthen China's national defense and the combativeness of its armed forces, by greater civil-military integration.


湖北省政协委员唐瑾表示,误译和劣译的问题在全国多地普遍存在。她举了一些她在国内旅行时遇到的例子:汉语中的“总台”(接待处)被错译成“total desk(整台)”;“出口”则被译为 "export"(贸易出口)。
Tang said awkward and incorrect translations are common in many areas across the country. Tang gave examples she has seen while traveling around the country. A reception desk, or zong tai in Chinese, was wrongly translated as "total desk" and exit, or chu kou in Chinese, was incorrectly translated as "export".