中国日报网 2014-12-30 11:27
A snippet of an antigraft documentary that began to air
on Monday night by China Central Television.
There is no room for cliques and factions within the Communist Party of China, top leaders said as they pledged to persist in the fight against corruption.
党内决不容忍搞团团伙伙、结党营私、拉帮结派,可以用There is no room for cliques and factions within the Communist Party of China表示。Clique和faction指派别,小集团。如“结党营私”也可以用form cliques for private gain表示。
过去一年,政府一直致力于推动落实打击腐败(crackdown on corruption)和党风廉政建设(the building of clean governance)。反腐败斗争(anti-graft fight)成绩显著,也获得了公众的认可。 会议也强调, 决不让“四风”问题即形式主义(formalism)、官僚主义(bureaucratism)、享乐主义(hedonism)和奢靡之风(extravagance)反弹,死灰复燃。
同时会议要求中央纪律委员会(Central Commission for Discipline Inspection)深化反腐败机制改革(deepen the reform on anti-corruption mechanisms),加强对政府及国有企业的内部检查(in-house inspections)。
(中国日报网英语点津 刘秀红)