中国日报网 2015-02-17 10:34

As China gradually moves to make its foreign exchange mechanism more market-oriented, the structure of "trade surplus and capital outflow" will become increasingly normal, the State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE) said in a report.
“贸易顺差、资本流出”格局可以用the structure of "trade surplus and capital outflow"表示,中国外汇监管机构表示,2015年中国跨境资金流动(cross-border capital flows)将仍然不稳定,货物贸易顺差有可能进一步扩大,全年可能继续呈现跨境资金有进有出、双向振荡的格局。
2014年第四季度,中国出现资本项目赤字(capital account deficit)。资本项目又称资本和金融账户(Capital and Financial Account),资本项目赤字暗示着资金外流(capital outflow)。
《报告》称, 当前跨境资金流出规模是适度的、可承受的(moderate and within the limit),外汇市场流动性充足,人民币多边汇率(multilateral exchange rate)继续保持坚挺。
(中国日报网英语点津 刘秀红)