中国日报网 2017-05-12 10:49


A community worker (center) in Shanghai recycles used cooking oil on March 6. Public concern over illegal oil pushed Chinese scientists to find ways to fight against "gutter oil". Wu Kai / for China Daily
Koubei, a local services platform affiliated to Alibaba Group, is giving "No Gutter Oil" labels to restaurants that promise not to use substandard cooking oil and recommending them before their unlabeled rivals.
“无地沟油”行动("No Gutter Oil" campaign)一方面向用户重点推荐承诺不使用地沟油的餐厅,同时,顾客在发现餐厅使用地沟油后,还可以通过口碑客服热线进行投诉(make complaint calls)。口碑还将开放对无地沟油标签的评价功能(comment on the "No Gutter Oil" label),用户在APP里就能评价商家的用油情况。对于被查明使用了地沟油的商家,口碑会取消其店铺的“无地沟油”标志(remove the "No Gutter Oil" label)。根据商家使用地沟油的情节严重程度,口碑还会清退商家店铺(get restaurants involved in use of gutter oil off the list),甚至是移交给监管部门、公安部门处理。
地沟油(gutter oil)一直是颇受民众关注的食品安全隐患(food safety hazard),通常使用餐厨垃圾(kitchen waste)提炼而成,成分中含有的黄曲霉素毒性很强,可致癌。后来,还出现了由腐烂动物(rotten animal)的内脏、皮毛和肉提炼而成的地沟油,恶心程度不断升级。
在防止地沟油进入百姓餐桌的过程中,除了加强监管(stricter supervision)、严惩涉事者(severe punishment)以外,还需要提供技术支持研发地沟油的其他用途(find non-cooking use of gutter oil),让废油循环利用,发挥更实用的价值,而不是进入百姓餐桌危害大家的健康。
food safety 食品安全
kitchen waste 餐厨垃圾
illegal food additives 非法食品添加剂
pesticide residues 农药残留
(中国日报网英语点津 马文英)