关于太空的10个惊人事实 10 facts about space that will blow your mind
中国日报网 2018-08-07 08:55

NASA has recorded eerie space "sounds."

NASA uses a technique called data sonification to take signals from radio waves, plasma waves, and magnetic fields and convert them into audio tracks to "hear" what's happening in space. The sounds range from ambulance-like screeches to beeps reminiscent of an alien spaceship making its approach.
Sunsets on Mars are blue.

The Curiosity Mars rover's first color photograph of a sunset in 2015 revealed a surprising twist — sunsets on Mars are blue.
NASA said this is because "dust in the Martian atmosphere has fine particles that permit blue light to penetrate the atmosphere more efficiently than longer-wavelength colors" like yellow, orange, and red.
Launching things into space is wildly expensive.

Payload specialist and space station engineer Ravi Margasahayam told Business Insider that each pound of cargo used to cost $10,000 to ship into space. Prices have skyrocketed since — Orbital Science's Cygnus spacecraft's cargo costs about $43,180 per pound, and SpaceX's new carriers about $27,000 per pound.
Business Insider determined that a 16-ounce bottle of water can cost anywhere between $9,100 to $43,180 to blast into space today.
Space is full of "space junk."

Space is full of junk like used rocket parts and dead satellites. These objects continue to orbit Earth at about 17,500 mph — 10 times as fast as a speeding bullet.
The Space Surveillance Network (SSN) keeps track of how much debris is out there. The SSN is currently tracking 23,000 objects larger than a softball.
Space junk is dangerous because one collision could trigger a chain reaction of objects hitting each other, resulting in a thick cloud of debris that would make space travel extremely dangerous.
The Apollo astronauts' footprints on the moon could last up to 100 million years.

Moon rocks erode at a rate of 0.04 inches every 1 million years. This means that the astronauts' footprints on the moon from the Apollo mission in 1969 could be there for 10 to 100 million years.
Space isn't always cold. In fact, it can get pretty hot.

In the darkest parts of space, temperatures can reach -454 degrees Fahrenheit. But if you're orbiting near Earth in the sunlight, space is a toasty 250 degrees Fahrenheit. Astronauts' spacesuits are white to reflect the heat they encounter while floating above the Earth.
A year on Venus is shorter than a day there.

Venus spins very slowly in the opposite direction of Earth — 243 Earth days for a full rotation. But it only takes 225 days to go around the sun because it's so close to it. Therefore, a year on Venus is shorter than a day.
The International Space Station (ISS) is the size of a football field.

The International Space Station is 357 feet long, just three feet less than an American football field. It weighs 925,000 pounds and is the largest single human-made structure to ever enter space.
The ISS has been visited by 230 people from 18 different countries to conduct research and carry out missions.
You would last about 15 seconds in space without a spacesuit.

Because there's no pressure in space, air expands. This means the air inside your lungs would expand and tear through the tissue. And in such an extreme environment, your body would use up all of the oxygen in your blood in about 15 seconds. Other gruesome consequences of unprotected space exposure would include loss of bowel control, boiling blood, exploding capillaries, and bloating.
Outer space isn't empty space.

Besides the obvious stars and planets, you might think that the surrounding space is completely empty — a perfect vacuum devoid of all matter.
It's true that space is a vacuum, but it's an imperfect vacuum because it contains a low density of particles like clouds of interstellar dust, space plasma, and cosmic rays.