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CHINADAILY手机报 2018-09-29 08:00


一周新闻热词榜,一网打尽trending news。




1. 预算绩效管理
budget performance management

China is aiming to establish a performance management system for budgets of governments at all levels in the next three to five years to enable better budget management and policy implementation, according to a guideline published on Tuesday.

近日,中共中央、国务院印发了《关于全面实施预算绩效管理的意见》。意见明确,我国力争用3-5年时间基本建成全方位、全过程、全覆盖的预算绩效管理体系(budget performance management system)。

意见从三个维度体现全面实施预算绩效管理(comprehensively managing budget performance)的内涵。首先是全方位。中央和地方各级政府(governments at all levels)全面实施预算绩效管理,形成政府预算(government budget)、部门和单位预算(department and institution budgets)、政策和项目预算(policy and project budgets)全方位绩效管理格局。

其次是全过程。将绩效理念和方法深度融入预算编制、执行和监督(budget preparing, execution and supervision)各环节,实现预算和绩效管理一体化。对新增重大政策和项目实施事前绩效评估(pre-performance evaluation),强化预算绩效目标管理,做好绩效运行监控,开展绩效评价,加强评价结果应用。

再次是全覆盖。将绩效管理覆盖一般公共预算(public budgets)、政府性基金(government managed funds)预算、国有资本经营(State capital operations)预算和社会保险基金(social insurance funds)预算,并延伸至政府投融资(investment and financing)活动。

意见还明确硬化预算绩效管理约束(strengthen constraint on budget performance management),财政部要完善绩效管理的责任约束机制,地方各级政府和各部门各单位是预算绩效管理的责任主体。项目责任人对项目预算绩效负责,对重大项目的责任人实行预算绩效终身责任追究制(those in charge of key projects will take lifelong responsibility for the budget performance),切实做到花钱必问效、无效必问责。

现代财政制度 modern fiscal system
财税改革 fiscal and taxation reform
国家治理体系 national governance system
优化财政资源配置 optimize fiscal resource distribution
提升公共服务质量 improve public service quality

2. 双创升级版
upgraded mass entrepreneurship and innovation

Young people seek employment opportunities at a job fair in Chongqing that attracted companies from the technology, internet and finance sectors, among others. [Photo by Zhou Yi/China News Service]

The State Council recently issued a document on promoting high-quality and upgraded mass entrepreneurship and innovation. The move is aimed at further optimizing the business environment, lowering the cost of entrepreneurship and innovation, enhancing the leading role of technology and innovation in the economy, and improving the service capacity of supporting platforms.

27日,国务院发布了《关于推动创新创业高质量发展打造"双创"升级版的意见》。意见提出"双创"升级版的六大目标:第一,创新创业服务全面升级(upgrade service capacity in mass entrepreneurship and innovation);第二,创业带动就业能力明显提升(mass entrepreneurship will be upgraded to drive up employment);第三,科技成果转化(transformation of scientific achievements)应用能力显著增强;第四,高质量创新创业集聚区(high-quality innovation and entrepreneurship clusters)不断涌现;第五,大中小企业创新创业价值链(value chain)有机融合;第六,国际国内创新创业资源深度融汇。

围绕上述目标,意见还提出了一系列的"升级"举措,包括简政放权(administration will be further streamlined and more power will be delegated to lower level departments)释放创新创业活力(inject vitality into innovation and entrepreneurship),放管结合(keep a right balance between delegation and the exercise of control)营造公平市场环境(fair market environment),加大财税政策支持力度(supportive fiscal policy will be strengthened),鼓励和支持科研人员积极投身科技创业,完善"互联网+"创新创业(Internet Plus innovation and entrepreneurship)服务体系等。

质量强国、制造强国 manufacturer of advanced and quality products
众筹平台 crowdfunding platform
普惠金融 inclusive finance
大众创业、万众创新 mass entrepreneurship and innovation
精准扶贫脱贫 targeted poverty alleviation

3. 富时罗素指数
FTSE Russell index

China A shares will soon be added to FTSE Russell's global indexes, another step in the country's efforts to internationalize its capital markets.

继"入摩(MSCI inclusion)"之后,A股国际化再进一步。27日,全球第二大指数服务提供商(the world's second-largest index service provider)富时罗素宣布,将A股纳入富时全球股票指数体系(FTSE Global Equity Index Series, GEIS),分类为次级新兴市场( Secondary Emerging Market),将于2019年6月开始实施。富时罗素是英国伦敦交易所旗下全资公司,据其官网介绍,目前约16万亿美元资产以富时罗素指数为基准(be benchmarked to FTSE Russell indexes)。

富时罗素公布的文件显示,A股纳入富时罗素的过程将分为三步:2019年6月纳入20%,2019年9月纳入40%,2020年3月纳入40%,涵盖大、中、小股票(large-, mid- and small-cap stocks)。从纳入比重来看,第一阶段中国A股在富时罗素新兴市场指数占比约5.5%(comprise about 5.5% of the FTSE Emerging Index)。富时罗素初步预计,A股被纳入富时罗素新兴市场指数后,第一阶段将带来100亿美元的净被动管理资金流入量(net passive inflows of $10 billion of assets under management)。富时罗素公布的文件还显示,富时罗素就全球固定收益基准的新国家分类框架进行了咨询,其中中国政府债券将被列入观察名单(watch list)。

公开信息显示,今年以来市场低迷,海外资金(overseas capital)却在加速流入A股市场。根据中国人民银行的统计数据,截至2018年6月末,外资(foreign capital/investment)持有A股的规模达到了1.28万亿元,成为了仅次于险资(insurance funds)和公募基金(public offering fund)的主要资金力量。

债券指数 bond indexes
国际投资者 global/international investor
沪港通 Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect
资金流出 capital outflow
市场波动性 market volatility

4. 地球卫士奖
Champions of the Earth Award

Tourists watch local folk performances on the water in Wuzhen, Tongxiang, East China's Zhejiang province, on April 1, 2018. [Photo/Xinhua]

Zhejiang province was recognized with a Champions of the Earth Award, the United Nation's highest environmental honor, at the UN headquarters in New York on Wednesday.

联合国"地球卫士奖(Champions of the Earth Award)"于2004年设立,旨在表彰通过自身行动和影响力展现对环境领导力的承诺和愿景的组织或个人。地球卫士奖按成就类别可分为"政策领导力(policy leadership)奖、科学与创新(science and innovation)奖、激励与行动(inspiration and action)奖、商界卓识奖以及终身成就(lifetime achievement)奖等。获奖者不乏国家领导人,以及来自政界、科学界、商界等各个领域的个人及组织。

浙江"千村示范万村整治"工程(Zhejiang's Green Rural Revival Program)荣获"2018地球卫士·激励与行动奖"。该工程旨在通过水资源管理、废物管理以及循环利用(water resource management, waste management and recycling)改造该省环境(transform the environment in the province)。

联合国环境署向浙江"千万工程"颁发"地球卫士奖"的颁奖词写道:中国浙江"千村示范万村整治"工程扎实推进美丽乡村建设,效果显著,将昔日污染严重的河流(once-heavily polluted rivers)改造地潺潺流水清可见底。这一极度成功的生态恢复项目(the exceptionally successful eco-restoration program)表明,让环境保护与经济发展同行,将产生变革性力量(transformative power)。

法国总统马克龙和印度总理莫迪因其对国际太阳能联盟(International Solar Alliance)的支持,以及对环境保护合作行动的推广(promote cooperative action on environmental protection),获得"政策领导力奖"(be recognized in the "Policy Leadership" category)。印度的科钦国际机场(Cochin International Airport)荣获今年的商界卓识奖("Entrepreneurial Vision" award);琼·卡林(Joan Carling)荣获终身成就奖,她是全球最杰出的环境和原住民权利捍卫者之一(one of the world's most prominent defenders of environmental and Indigenous rights)。

自然环境 natural environment
绿色产业 green industry
绿色能源 green power/energy
生态文明 ecological civilization
环境污染 environmental pollution
环保意识 environmental awareness
低碳生活方式 low-carbon lifestyle

5. 最佳外语片
Best Foreign Language Film

A still from the film Operation Red Sea [Photo/Mtime]

Chinese blockbuster "Operation Red Sea" has been chosen to represent Hong Kong, China for the Best Foreign Language Film honor at the 91st Academy Awards, the film's official Sina Weibo account announced on Monday.

《红海行动》讲述的是2015年也门内战(the civil war in Yemen)期间,中国海军帮助中国公民和外国民众撤离(evacuation of Chinese citizens and foreign nationals)的故事。这部动作大片(blockbuster action movie)由林超贤执导,张译、黄景瑜、海清和杜江等主演,共计取得36.5亿元的票房(rake in 3.65 billion yuan),是截至目前2018年中国的电影票房冠军(the country's top earner of 2018 so far),也是国内有史以来票房第二高的影片(the second highest grossing film of all time in China)。

第91届奥斯卡金像奖颁奖礼将于2019年2月24日在美国加州洛杉矶好莱坞高地中心杜比剧院举行。据悉,参加本届奥斯卡最佳外语片角逐的亚洲影片(Asian films)还有日本选送的《小偷家族》(Shoplifters)、韩国选送的《燃烧》(Burning)、中国台湾选送的《大佛普拉斯》(The Great Buddha+)。另外,由法国选送的《痛苦》等来自不同国家和地区的十余部电影也陆续进入奥斯卡最佳外语片(the Best Foreign Language Film)候选行列。

原著 original work
动作片 action movie
武侠片 swordsmen film, martial-arts movie
音乐歌舞片 musical
古装剧 costume drama
催泪片 tear-jerker

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(来源:CHINADAILY手机报 编辑:马文英、丁一、刘明、丹妮)







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