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中国日报网 2018-12-29 10:16


黄金签证 "gold-plated" visa

London is suspending its so-called "gold-plated" visa program in an attempt to crack down on financial crime and corruption.

黄金签证("gold-plated" visa )的正式名称其实是Tier 1投资签证(Tier 1 Investor visa)。Tier 1投资签证于2008年推出,可使非欧盟国家的有钱人(wealthy people from outside the European Union)快速走完英国签证流程并定居在英国(navigate their way through the UK's visa system and settle in Great Britain)。

这种签证的申请者需要在英国至少投资200万英镑,在英国居住5年以后即可获得永久居留权(indefinite leave to remain)。投资500万英镑者,3年就可以申请永久居留权(apply for permanent residence),投资1千万英镑者可缩短到2年。该签证项目推出以后,受到全球超级富豪的欢迎(be welcomed by global super-rich)。2014年一共有1172人获得黄金签证,是该项目推出以来获取签证人数最多的一年。

英国政府表示,他们担心该签证项目被用于洗黑钱(launder illicit money),计划对其进行改革以应对这些问题。据英国广播公司报道,该项目或于2019年重新开放。英国内政部表示,重新开放的Tier 1投资签证项目将对申请者的金融和商业受益(financial and business interests)进行独立的财务审计,确保申请者即将投资到英国的资金已在其控制下满两年(they have had control of the assets they will be investing for at least two years),且均为合法所得(they were legally obtained)。申请者不得投资英国政府债券(no longer be allowed to invest in government bonds),必须将资金投入到正常运营的英国企业(plow their money into active and trading UK companies)。


网络游戏道德委员会 online game moral committee

The online game moral committee consists of experts and scholars from relevant administrative authorities, colleges, research institutions, media and industrial associations that are familiar with online games and adolescent issues.


网络游戏道德委员会(online game moral committee)负责对可能或者已经产生道德争议(moral controversy)和社会舆论(public outcry)的网络游戏作品及相关服务开展道德评议(moral review),为网络游戏管理部门提供决策参考,引导网络游戏企业自觉遵守社会公德和职业道德、履行社会责任(the online game enterprises fully shoulder their social responsibilities),始终坚持把社会效益和保护未成年人身心健康放在首位(give top priority to the social effects of their products and safeguard the physical and psychological health of youngsters),促进依法管理与以德治理相结合,推动网络游戏行业健康发展。

经对评议结果进行认真研究,网络游戏主管部门对11款游戏责成相关出版运营单位认真修改,消除道德风险(remove moral risks);对9款游戏作出不予批准的决定。


2018年8月底,教育部等八部委联合发布《综合防控儿童青少年近视实施方案》。其中国家新闻出版署提出要实施网络游戏总量调控(curb the number of new online games available to children),采取措施限制未成年人使用时间(take new measures to limit their time on games)。

2018年9月,腾讯宣布,对《王者荣耀》启动最严格的实名策略(real-name registration),接入公安权威数据平台进行校验,并将未成年人账号纳入防沉迷系统(anti-addiction system)中。


返回式卫星 retrievable satellite

China will launch a reusable retrievable satellite next year, with its recoverable module able to be used 15 times over the next decade, according to the China Aerospace Science & Technology Corp.

所谓返回式卫星(retrievable satellite),是指一种具有返回功能的多用途中型卫星(medium satellite for multiple uses),也是我国卫星工程领域研制起步最早、发展最悠久的卫星系列。

1975年11月,我国首颗返回式科学试验卫星成功发射和安全回收,标志着我国成为当时世界上第三个开发返回技术的国家(the world's third country to develop retrievable satellite technology)。截至2016年,我国已成功研制并发射实施了25颗返回式卫星。中国航天科技集团科技委副主任吴劲风说,这些卫星在空间遥感、空间育种、空间新技术验证等空间科学方面发挥了重要作用(play key roles in space science)。

据中国航天科技集团返回式卫星的总设计师(chief architect of the retrievable satellite)赵会光介绍,新一代返回式卫星重3500公斤,由中国航天科技集团研发,可携带任务和其他载荷“上天”(allow experiments and other payloads to be sent to space),既可用于短途载荷又可用于长途载荷(be offered in short-term and long-term configurations)。其中前者的回收载荷(recoverable payload)可达500公斤,采用一次性化学电池(battery power)供电,回收产品占60%,其中90%部分可重复使用;后者的载荷分为两部分,回收载荷为600公斤,留轨载荷为300公斤,采用太阳阵(solar array)和蓄电池联合供电,回收产品占40%,同样是90%部分重复使用。

据他透露,首颗新型返回式卫星已于今年9月单机交付,10月整星测试(undergo testing),计划于明年1月进行力学试验,2月进行热试验,3月卫星出厂,4月卫星发射,5月则有望实现卫星回收( expected to be recovered by May)。

赵会光表示,发展这一卫星最终目的还是为了更好地进行太空探索(space exploration),“获得科学发现、改善人类生活、形成规模巨大的新兴产业(emerging industry)、催生新技术和确保空间安全环境。”


孟晚舟 Meng Wanzhou


Justice William Ehrcke at the court hearing granted bail to Meng, subject to a guarantee of 10 million Canadian dollars (7.5 million US dollars), according to reports.

Meng will also be subject to surveillance at her Vancouver home by a combination of security guards and technology as part of the agreement. She has also surrendered her passport.

Bail这个词既可用作名词也可用作动词,表示“保释、保释金”等。法院“批准某人的保释申请”即grant/give bail to someone,也可以说release/free someone on bail,“某人获准保释”则是someone is released/freed on bail或者简单的someone is bailed。

经济危机期间,各国政府出台的经济援助计划也叫bailout plan。Bail用作动词的时候有一个常用的搭配就是bail out,指“帮助...摆脱困境”,比如:She keeps running up huge debts and asking friends to bail her out.(她债台高筑,只好找朋友帮忙脱困。)The EU is trying to bail out Greece.(欧盟正在努力帮助希腊走出危机。)


We have every confidence that the Canadian and US legal systems will reach a just conclusion in the proceedings


华为表示,正如我们一直强调的,华为遵守业务所在国的所有适用法律法规(it complies with all applicable laws and regulations in the countries and regions where it operates),包括联合国、美国和欧盟适用的出口管制和制裁法律法规。我们期待美国和加拿大政府能及时、公正的结束这一事件。


南京大屠杀死难者国家公祭日 the National Memorial Day for Nanjing Massacre Victims

12月13日,是第五个南京大屠杀死难者国家公祭日(the National Memorial Day for Nanjing Massacre Victims)。上午,国家公祭仪式在南京举行。



The regulation was approved at a session of the Standing Committee of the Nanjing Municipal People's Congress in late November and is also the first local regulation of its kind.

It has stipulated the etiquettes and norms on the National Memorial Day, such as the “one minute of silence for pedestrians” as well as “vehicles including automobiles, trains and ships sound air siren in tribute.”

为保持国家公祭活动和国家公祭场所的严肃性,《条例》规定:在市人民政府通告规定的国家公祭活动期间,国家公祭设施周边禁止一切公共娱乐活动(entertainment activities will be banned at the public areas where memorial events take place)。

《条例》规定,禁止任何单位和个人歪曲、否认南京大屠杀史实( speeches distorting or denying the facts of the Nanjing Massacre),侮辱、诽谤南京大屠杀死难者、幸存者(insulting or defaming the Nanjing Massacre victims and survivors),编造、传播含有上述内容的有损国家和民族尊严、伤害人民感情的言论或者信息(conjuring messages to harm the nation's dignity and the people's feelings)。禁止在国家公祭设施、抗战遗址和抗战纪念馆等地使用具有日本军国主义象征意义的军服、旗帜、图标或者相关道具,拍照、录制视频(taking photos and videos in the uniforms of Japanese invaders at memorial sites )或者通过网络对上述行为公开传播。


近月制动 braking at perilune

China's Chang'e 4 robotic probe completed its braking at perilune and entered lunar orbit on Wednesday, marking a major step in its mission to make a soft landing on the moon's far side.

据国防科工局、国家航天局消息,12日16时45分,嫦娥四号在经过近110个小时的飞行后,精准完成首次近月制动(complete its first braking at perilune),进入距月面约100公里的椭圆形环月轨道(enter an elliptical lunar orbit about 100 km above the surface)。所谓近月制动,就是给高速飞行在地月转移轨道(Earth-Moon transfer orbit)的航天器减速(decelerate),使其被月球的引力捕获,建立正常姿态,进行绕月飞行(orbit around the moon)。

嫦娥四号于8日凌晨发射升空(lift/blast off),9日实施了一次轨道修正(the trajectory of the spacecraft was adjusted),确保其不偏离前往月球的正确轨道(make sure it remains on the right track toward the silver sphere)。后续,嫦娥四号将在环月轨道运行数天,调整环月轨道高度和倾角(altitude and angle),开展与中继星的中继链路(data links with the relay satellite)在轨测试和导航敏感器(navigation sensors)在轨测试,确保探测器最终能进入预定的着陆区,择机实施月球背面软着陆(make a soft landing on the moon's far side)。


校外培训机构 after-school training institution

China has been carrying out comprehensive inspections of all after-school training institutions to ensure that those not meeting government standards make corrections by the end of this year, the Ministry of Education said on Thursday.

教育部基础教育司司长吕玉刚表示,截至12日,全国共排查校外培训机构40万余所(more than 400,000 after-school training institutions from across the country had been inspected),发现其中有27.3万所校外培训机构不符合标准(be not up to the standards),已整改24.8万所,整改完成率达到90%。

教育部副部长朱之文指出,解决校外培训火爆的问题必须标本兼治(address both its symptoms and root causes)、内外联动、堵疏结合。一方面,对现有的培训予以规范,该整治的整治,该取缔的取缔,合法合规地办培训。另一方面,要完善治理(improve governance),加强监管,建立长效机制(build long-term mechanism)。同时还要在教育教学改革(education reform)、学校管理等方面共同发力,让中小学的功能充分发挥,减少学生校外培训的需求,最大限度挤压校外培训的空间。

据介绍,教育部等四部门今年年初联合印发通知,开展中小学校外培训机构专项治理(special rectification),针对中小学各类竞赛进行清理,禁止中小学生招生与培训结果挂钩(the training results from these institutions are banned from using as criteria for enrollment in primary and middle schools)。教育部还出台了关于规范校外培训机构发展的意见,加强制度建设。同时支持各地中小学结合实际开展形式多样的课后服务,着力让广大中小学生在校内就能基本满足学习需求(meet their learning needs)。

朱之文表示,下一步将指导督促各地按照既定的部署抓紧推进以下几个方面的工作:一是建立全国校外培训机构数据库(build a database of after-school training institutions across the country),将所有校外培训机构纳入数据库管理范畴;二是建立全国统一的校外培训机构联网监管平台,统一公布各省区市的校外培训机构信息;三是建立健全相关的管理制度,如黑白名单制度(blacklist and white list system)、审批制度、公示制度等,列入黑名单的严禁再开展培训;四是建立部门联合审批、联合管理机制,加大对违规行为惩治力度(reinforce punishment against irregularities),形成综合治理合力。


不信任投票 vote of no confidence

Theresa May is to continue as British prime minister after surviving a vote of no confidence in her leadership from members of her own Conservative Party.

不信任投票(no-confidence vote, vote of no confidence)是指议会制国家(countries with a parliamentary system)的议会为表决对政府(内阁)的不信任案而进行的投票。这种投票源于1841年英国议会,后为许多国家所采用。为避免政局动荡不安(political upheaval),许多国家都对不信任投票作了种种限制,一般情况下,不信任案(no-confidence motion)只有获得议员过半数票才能通过。

这次不记名投票(secret ballot)由英国首相特蕾莎·梅所在的保守党的48位议员(Member of Parliament, MP)发起,原因是他们对梅与欧盟达成的脱欧协议不满(be dissatisfied with the Brexit deal May has struck with the EU),称这份协议背离了2016年公投的结果(betray the 2016 referendum result)。如果半数以上保守党议员对首相表示不信任,梅就要辞职。

最终,梅在不信任投票中以200-117票胜出,她将继续担任英国首相并继续推动英国脱欧进程。但梅也为这次胜利付出了代价(come at a price)——她承诺将在计划于2022年举行的下一次英国大选前下台(May promised she would step down by the next election scheduled for 2022)。

虽然梅挺过了保守党内部的"逼宫",但接下来的脱欧协议议会表决(a vote in Parliament on whether to approve her Brexit deal)将是更加严峻的一战。英国议会原计划在本月11日对协议进行表决,但由于多个党派和保守党内许多下院议员都对协议表示强烈反对,梅不得不宣布推迟表决,以避免该协议被否决。英国首相府发言人表示,议会将于1月21日前表决脱欧协议。


年度人物 Person of the Year

Time magazine has chosen "The Guardians," a group of journalists who have been targeted for their work, as Person of the Year.


《时代》周刊11日将2018年度人物(Person of the Year)授予被称为"守护者(Guardians)"的一群记者,他们分别是沙特记者贾马尔·卡舒吉、菲律宾记者玛丽亚·瑞萨、路透社记者瓦隆和吴觉梭以及美国马里兰州《首府公报》的员工。这是自《时代》周刊开始评选年度人物以来记者首次获得该称号,也是该杂志首次将这一荣誉授予逝者(this is the first time Time has given the accolade to someone no longer alive)。

《华盛顿邮报》沙特籍记者卡舒吉因报道沙特政府负面信息,于10月2日进入沙特驻伊斯坦布尔领事馆后被害,此后卡舒吉案细节的不断公布受到全球瞩目;今年6月,美国马里兰州《首府新闻报》五名员工在枪击案中遇害(five members of the Capital Gazette staff were killed in a shooting);菲律宾记者玛丽亚·瑞萨因对当地政府进行批判性报道,被以逃税罪名逮捕(be arrested on tax evasion charges);路透社记者瓦龙和吴觉梭因报道罗兴亚穆斯林大屠杀(report on a massacre of Rohingya Muslims),被判处7年监禁。

《时代》周刊总编爱德华·费尔森塔尔(editor-in-chief Edward Felsenthal)表示,因为他们敢于冒巨大的风险追求更伟大的真理,他们对事实进行虽不完美但至关重要的探寻——这些事实是公民话语的核心,他们敢于直言不讳、大声疾呼,所以这些"守护者"当选年度人物(for taking great risks in pursuit of greater truths, for the imperfect but essential quest for facts that are central to civil discourse, for speaking up and for speaking out, the "Guardians" are the Person of the Year)。

自1927年以来,《时代》周刊每年都会选出在过去一年中对新闻和世界产生重大影响的个人或群体(an individual or group of people who most influenced the news and the world during the past year)作为当年的年度人物。至于对当年的影响是正面还是负面,《时代》周刊曾撰文表示,这是要留给读者的问题。最近几年,《时代》周刊的年度人物包括掀起反对性骚扰的#MeToo运动(trigger the #MeToo movement against sexual harassment)的"打破沉默者(Silence Breakers)"、美国总统特朗普、德国总理默克尔、埃博拉病抗击者(Ebola Fighters)等。


口红系列 lipstick collection

On Sunday, the Palace Museum released its new series of product - limited edition of a lipstick collection in six colors on T-mall, provoking excitement among netizens and fashion lovers.


据报道,这个口红系列(lipstick collection)由故宫博物院文化创意馆联合国产美妆品牌润百颜发布。六款口红颜色分别为郎窑红(Lang Yao glaze red)、玫紫色(rose-purple)、豆沙红(bean paste red)、碧玺色(tourmaline purple)、枫叶红(maple red)和变色人鱼姬(mermaid pink)。这些口红膏体颜色均来自故宫博物院所藏的红色国宝器物,口红管外观设计则从清宫后妃服饰的颜色和图案上汲取灵感(be inspired by colors and patterns of clothes belonging to empresses and imperial concubines of the Qing Dynasty),一个外观设计对应一款膏体色。比如,最受青睐的郎窑红(the most favored Lang Yao glaze red)色号,灵感源自郎窑红釉观音尊,外观设计灵感源自洋红色缎绣百花文夹氅衣。口红膏体颜色和外管色调十分协调、搭调。

六款口红外观分别以青、赤、黄、白、黑五方正色体系以及"宫廷蓝"为底色,上方饰以仙鹤、小鹿、蜜蜂以及各式各样的蝴蝶,下方则以绣球花、水仙团寿纹、地景百花纹、牡丹、四季花篮等吉祥图案(patterns symbolizing good fortune),传递中国传统审美意趣。值得一提的是,故宫口红还采用了3D打印科技(3D printing technology),将传统图案打印在口红管上,呈现出刺绣的质感(present the texture of embroidery)。此外,口红膏体蕴含Hyacolor油分散透明质酸成分,柔软滋润,能有效帮助改善唇纹(help relieve wrinkles on lips),即使在干燥的秋冬季节,也可高效保湿、丰润滋养。

这些口红刚在故宫淘宝网店"上新",立刻引起了大批"宫粉"的热烈追捧。虽然要等到明年才发货,但丝毫未影响其销量,其中最火的郎窑红色号预订数已超过3000支(have more than 3,000 orders)。


《巴黎协定》 Paris Agreement

Negotiators from nearly 200 countries on Saturday agreed on a package of the implementation guidelines, or a common rulebook of the landmark 2015 Paris Agreement on climate change.


guidelines that will operationalize the transparency framework;

how countries will provide information about their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) that describe their domestic climate actions;

climate mitigation and adaptation measures as well as details of financial support for climate action in developing countries;

guidelines that relate to the process for establishing new targets on finance from 2025 onwards to follow-on from the current target of mobilizing 100 billion US dollars per year from 2020 to support developing countries;

how to assess progress on the development and transfer of technology to developing countries to help them adapt to climate challenges.


《巴黎协定》(Paris Agreement)是在巴黎出席气候大会的195国谈判代表在2015年12月12日达成的历史上首个关于气候变化的全球性协定。

《巴黎协定》共29条,包括目标、减缓、适应、损失损害、资金、技术、能力建设、透明度、全球盘点等内容。2020年后,各国将以“国家自定贡献”(nationally determined contribution)的方式参与全球应对气候变化行动。

长远目标(the long-term goal):确保全球平均气温较前工业化水平升高控制在2摄氏度之内(make sure the global temperature rise to well below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels),并为把升温控制在1.5摄氏度之内“付出努力”("pursue efforts" to limit the temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius)。

减排目标(emissions targets):与会各方同意每隔5年重新设定各自的减排目标(set national targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions every five years)。目前已有180多个国家和地区提交了从2020年起始的五年期限内减排目标。

评估目标(reviewing targets): 与会各方今后4年内重新评估各自的减排目标,以便适时做出调整。


资金(money): 要求发达国家继续向发展中国家提供资金援助,从而帮助后者减少碳排放以及适应气候变化(wealthy countries should continue to offer financial support to help poor countries reduce their emissions and adapt to climate change)。

损失破坏(loss and damage):该协定 “承认”损失和破坏的内容,主要是针对由气候变化引发的灾难(recognizing "loss and damage" associated with climate-related disasters)。

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