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中国日报网 2019-04-01 09:00


苹果流媒体产品 streaming service

苹果公司在发布会上推出了苹果电视Apple TV+、苹果新闻Apple News+以及苹果信用卡等一系列服务业务。


流媒体视频服务Apple TV+:可在竞争对手设备下载

The Apple TV+ app was unveiled by Steven Spielberg and will launch in the autumn. The platform will include shows from existing services like Hulu and HBO.
苹果电视Apple TV+由史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格介绍,将于今年秋季正式发布。该平台可以收看Hulu、HBO等现有流媒体平台的节目。

The app will be made available on rival devices for the first time, coming to Samsung, LG, Sony and Vizio smart TVs as well as Amazon's Firestick and Roku.
同时,苹果还将首次与三星、LG、索尼、Vizio等电视机厂商以及电视机顶盒提供商Roku和亚马逊Firestick合作,这些终端也将能够下载Apple TV+的应用。


The Apple Card credit card will launch in the US this summer.

There will be both an iPhone and physical version of the card, with a cashback incentive on every purchase.

The credit card will have no late fees, annual fees or international fees, said Apple Pay VP Jennifer Bailey.

It has been created with the help of Goldman Sachs and MasterCard.

苹果新闻Apple News+:每月9.99美元纵览300多种报刊杂志

The firm also revealed a news service, Apple News+, which will include more than 300 magazine titles including Marie Claire, Vogue, New Yorker, Esquire, National Geographic and Rolling Stone.
苹果公司还推出了新闻服务Apple News+,里面包含《嘉人》、《时尚》、《纽约客》、《时尚先生》、《国家地理》、《滚石》等300多种杂志。

The LA Times and the Wall Street Journal will also be part of the platform, the firm said.

Apple News+ will cost $9.99 per month and is available immediately in the US and Canada. It will come to Europe later in the year.
新闻服务Apple News+将立即在美国和加拿大推出,月订阅费9.99美元,今年下半年将在欧洲推出。

Unlike TV+, the news platform will only be available on Apple devices.
不过,与苹果电视Apple TV+不同的是,Apple News+只能在苹果设备上下载使用。

游戏服务Apple Arcade:可离线玩100多个独家游戏

Apple Arcade will offer 100 games not available elsewhere.
A new games platform, Apple Arcade, will offer over 100 exclusive games from the app store which will all be playable offline.
新的游戏平台Apple Arcade将提供100多个在苹果设备上独家发行的游戏,支持离线玩游戏。

It will be rolled out across 150 countries in the autumn but no subscription prices were given.


全国通办 nationwide access

"Taking effect on April 1, residents in the Chinese mainland can apply for passports and travel permits to and from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan at every exit and entry management department across the country. Tourist group visas for all three places can be obtained from self-service machines." Yin Chengji, Vice Director of the National Immigration Administration said at the press conference Tuesday.


全国各地都能办,即内地居民可在全国任一出入境管理窗口(every exit and entry management department across the country)申办出入境证件;

内地居民都能办,即不受户籍地、居住地等条件限制(no restrictions on household registration or residence),内地居民均可在异地申办出入境证件;

出国出境证件都能办(applicable to both passports and travel permits),即中华人民共和国普通护照、往来港澳通行证、往来台湾通行证等都可在异地申办。

据悉,国家移民管理局政务服务平台将于4月1日起正式上线启用。国家移民管理局政务服务平台综合运用网站、移民局App、第三方平台多种网上服务方式,目前主要有六大功能:往来港澳台旅游签注申办(apply for travel permits to and from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan)、证件办理进度查询(application status enquiry)、证件预约申请(passport and travel permit appointment)、证件信息查询(passport and travel permits details)、出入境记录查询(records of exit and entry)、办事指引查询(instructions)。


博鳌亚洲论坛年会 the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference

3月26日-29日,博鳌亚洲论坛2019年年会(the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2019)在中国海南博鳌举行,主题是“共同命运 共同行动 共同发展(Shared Future, Concerted Action, Common Development)”。


The BFA AC2019 will feature approximately 50 official sessions, including the opening plenum, themed sessions, CEO dialogues, and roundtable meetings. They are formatted under five modules—open world economy; multilateralism, regional cooperation and global governance; innovation-driven development; high-quality development; and critical issues.


Globalization and free trade are inevitable trends of economic development; that multilateralism, dialogue and cooperation are the shared aspiration of most countries; and that openness and innovation are natural choices to sustain economic progress and globalization.

The BFA AC2019 will provide an open, inclusive dialogue platform for stakeholders and send a clear message to build consensus regarding global governance.

在开放型世界经济版块,年会将突出“开放”这一关键词,下设世界经济展望(global economic outlook)、服务业开放(opening of the service sector)、WTO改革(WTO reform)、跨境电商(cross-border e-commerce)、自贸区与自由港(free trade zone versus free port)等议题;

在多边主义、区域合作与全球治理版块,年会将突出“多边合作”这一关键词,下设全球治理(global governance)、“一带一路”(the Belt and Road initiative)、岛屿经济(island economy)、亚洲区域合作组织对话(Asian regional organizations dialogues)等议题;

在创新驱动版块,年会将突出“科技创新”这一关键词,下设可持续发展(sustainable development)、5G与物联网(5G and the Internet of Things)、“AI+”时代(AI plus)、大数据(big data)、分享经济(shared economy)、海洋经济(blue economy)等议题。

在高质量发展版块,年会将突出“质量发展”这一关键词,下设城乡发展(rural and urban development)、制造业(manufacturing)、金融(finance)、消费(consumption)、跨境投资(cross-border investment)、房市及证券市场(housing and securities markets)、国企民企对话(the relationship between SOEs and the private sector)、中小企业(SMEs)、能源资源(energy)等议题。


陪餐 dine with students

日前,教育部等三部委共同发布《学校食品安全与营养健康管理规定》("Regulations on the Administration of Food Safety and Nutritional Health in Schools",以下简称《规定》),中小学、幼儿园应当建立集中用餐陪餐制度。该规定从4月1日开始执行。

School officials, from senior executives to headmasters, will be required to dine with students in canteens in China's middle schools, primary schools and kindergartens, according to a notice jointly issued Tuesday by the Education Ministry, State Administration for Market Regulation, and National Health Commission.



实行学校食品安全校长(园长)负责制(accountability system),校长(园长)是第一责任人。

严格落实原材料采购(raw material procurement)、加工制作(processing)、食品留样(keeping retention samples)、清洗消毒(cleaning and disinfection)等环节管理,建立大宗物资和主食入库登记查验制度。

引入社会经营的学校食堂应建立准入和退出机制(entry and exit mechanism),不能“以包代管”,严禁层层转包(no subcontracting is allowed),严禁贴牌代包。

中小学、幼儿园应建立集中用餐陪餐制度,每餐均应有学校行政管理负责人陪餐(school officials are required to dine with students at every meal)。

青少年模式 teen mode



On a daily basis, when users open these short-video apps for the first time, they will be greeted by a pop-up message asking if they’d like to activate “teen mode,” which sets restrictions on content, features, and view time.

系统还将试点通过地理位置判定(location data)、用户行为分析(behavioral analysis)等技术手段筛选甄别农村地区留守儿童(left-behind children)用户,并自动切换到“青少年模式”(turn on teen mode automatically)。

目前,快手、火山小视频、抖音等平台已经上线了“青少年防沉迷系统(anti-addiction system)”,用户进入“青少年模式”后,将会有如下限制:

无法进行打赏(tipping)、充值(top up)、提现(cash out)、直播(livestreaming)等行为;

每日累计使用时长不能超过40分钟(no more than 40 minutes of view time each day),晚上10点至早上6点禁止使用,只有监护人输入密码才能开启。


国家网信办表示,将在总结试点经验、完善管理制度的基础上,于今年6月在全国主要网络短视频平台全面推广上线“青少年防沉迷系统”(expand the anti-addiction system to major video-streaming sites in China),并形成统一的行业规范。

(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)

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