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中国日报网 2019-05-01 09:10


返还文物 returned historical artifacts

The exhibition, titled "The Journey Back Home" showcases more than 700 pieces of returned Chinese artifacts, including a painted pottery pot from the Western Han Dynasty (202 BC - 8 AD), a colored camel pottery figurine from the Tang Dynasty (618-907) and a white-glazed bowl from the Song Dynasty (960-1279).


Artifact,在英式英语中写作artefact,一般指“手工制品”,在考古领域则多指挖掘出来的“(工具、武器、饰品等具有考古或历史价值的)文物”。而我们常见的cultural relics里面的relic则指“遗迹、遗留物、遗址”等。我们可以说,在表示“历史遗迹”的时候,relic涵盖的范围要比artifact要广一些,而且这两个词一般都用复数形式。

“追索流散文物”可以用retrieve lost cultural relics/historical artifacts表示。Retrieve 表示“找回,重新获得”,比如追讨官员赃款(retrieve officials' illegal gains),找到遗体(retrieve bodies)等。

专家介绍,这批返还文物主要源自我国甘肃、陕西、四川、山西、河南和江苏等地的出土与传世文物(unearthed and handed-down artifacts),时代跨度从新石器时代(Neolithic period)至民国时期,具有较高的历史、文化和科学价值。


Most of the artifacts were found to have been unearthed in China and made their way to Italy without legal exit permits.

China's National Cultural Heritage Administration filed papers seeking their return and, after a decadelong judicial process, Italy's Milan City Court confirmed the Chinese government's ownership of the cultural artifacts in 2014 and made the final decision to return the 796 artifacts to China in November 2018.

China and Italy exchanged related certificates for returning 796 Chinese cultural relics on March 23. This batch of Chinese artifacts arrived in Beijing on April 10.


这里用常见词return表示“返还”很好理解,更加正式的表达可以用repatriate historical artifacts或者名词形式repatriation of historical artifacts,repatriate表示send something back to its home country(把...送回国),如果是repatriate someone则表示“遣返、遣送回国”。

文化和旅游部部长雒树刚表示,此次文物返还,是中国流失文物追索返还工作中历时最长的案例,也是近20年来最大规模的中国流失文物回归(the largest return of lost Chinese cultural relics in nearly 20 years)。

意大利驻华大使谢国谊(Ettore Sequi)表示:

I'm glad to see this exhibition just before the Belt and Road Forum in Beijing. The new Silk Road of culture is bearing fruit.

Italy and China are the nations with the largest numbers of UNESCO World Heritage sites. Given that the two countries are important cultural powers, I think this repatriation will set an example for the rest of world.

亚洲文明对话大会 Conference on Dialogue of Asian Civilizations


The main pattern of the logo resembles a peony with six petals representing the six geographic regions of Asia. Nonrepresentational figures of the hand-in-hand humans are embedded in the logo to symbolize communication between different cultures.


The seven colors of the petals indicate the colorfulness of Asian civilizations. The acronym of the conference -- "CDAC," is displayed in the center.
七彩颜色体现了亚洲各国国旗的色彩,也象征亚洲文明的绚丽多彩。图形中间嵌入亚洲文明对话大会英文译名Conference on Dialogue of Asian Civilizations 的首字母缩写CDAC。


The official website (http://www.2019cdac.com) will provide related and updated news and service information on the conference in both Chinese and English, including information for sub-forums, the Asian cultural carnival and Asian food festival.


大会将围绕亚洲文明交流互鉴与命运共同体(exchanges and mutual learning among Asian civilizations as well as a community with a shared future)的主题,举办开幕式和六场平行分论坛,还将举办亚洲文化嘉年华(Asian cultural carnivals)、亚洲文明周(Asian civilization week)、亚洲美食节(Asian food festival)等活动。

安全提示 safety tips

China's Ministry of Culture and Tourism has called for enhanced safety precautions during the May Day holiday, which is expected to see a tourism boom.


Precaution这个词是caution加了前缀pre构成的,caution本身就表示“谨慎、当心;提醒、警告”等意思,比如,我们在公共场所见到的黄色警示牌“Caution! Wet floor!(小心地滑)”等,这里加了pre这个前缀,就是表示practice caution in advance(提前进入谨慎、小心的状态),也就是“预防、提防”的意思,“采取预防措施”一般会用take precaution或者take the precaution of (doing) something表示,比如:I took the precaution of locking money in the safe. (我把钱都锁紧保险柜了,以防万一。)


Travelers who plan long-distance driving should check car conditions, licenses and insurance to ensure safe driving.

Drowsy driving should be avoided, and driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol is strictly prohibited.


疲劳驾驶 drowsy driving

无证驾驶 driving without a license

禁行区行驶 running through restricted areas

追尾 tailgating

肇事逃逸 hit-and-run

逃避交警检查 avoid police checkpoints

酒驾/毒驾 driving under influence(DUI)

不安全变道 unsafe lane changes

超速 speeding

超载 overloading

闯红灯 running red lights


The ministry warned travelers against possible extreme weather in some regions of southern China, saying trips to mountainous areas, valleys and areas next to water should be avoided in the case of bad weather.


Travelers should take extra cautions when participating in high-risk entertainment activities, said the ministry, advising travelers to choose entertainment activities based on their age and health conditions.




扰乱公共场所秩序(undermining public order)

公共交通工具上行为不当(acting inappropriately on public transport)

破坏私人或公共财物(damaging private or public property)

违反当地风俗习惯(disrespecting local customs)

破坏文物古迹(sabotaging historical exhibits)

参与赌博、色情等非法活动(engaging in gambling or illegal sexual activities)

破坏生态环境,违反野生动植物保护规定(destroying the environment or violating the protection of wildlife)

扰乱旅游场所秩序(disrupting the public order at tourist resorts)


2019年北京世界园艺博览会 the International Horticultural Exhibition 2019 Beijing


Declaring the opening of the world's largest international horticultural exhibition in Beijing Sunday, President Xi Jinping expressed his hope that the green development concept embodied by the expo park would be spread to "every corner of the world."

2019年北京世界园艺博览会(the International Horticultural Exhibition 2019 Beijing)4月29日至10月7日面向公众开放,共有110个官方和120个非官方参展机构参加。本届世园会的主题是“绿色生活、美丽家园(live green, live better)”,围绕这一主题,世园会举办期间将举行2500多场文化活动。这是继1999年昆明世园会后,中国再次举办国际最高级别的园艺博览会。


As China has been speeding up ecological civilization development, people will live in a better environment with blue sky, green mountains and clear water.

习近平强调,纵观人类文明发展史,生态兴则文明兴,生态衰则文明衰。杀鸡取卵、竭泽而渔的发展方式走到了尽头(the development model of "killing the hens for eggs" and "draining the lake for fish" is at the dead end),顺应自然、保护生态的绿色发展昭示着未来。


We should pursue harmony between man and nature.

We should maintain the overall balance of Earth's ecology, so that the starry sky, lush mountains and floral fragrance will be retained for our future generations who enjoy material prosperity at the same time.

We should pursue the prosperity based on green development.

Lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets. Improving ecological environment is increasing productivity.

We should foster a passion for nature-caring lifestyle.

We should embrace simple, moderate, green and low-carbon ways of life, and reject extravagance and waste of resources.

We should pursue a scientific spirit in ecological governance.

Ecological governance should follow the law of nature and make scientific planning, while taking into consideration local conditions and a holistic approach to create a diversified ecological system of co-existence.

We should join hands to tackle environmental challenges.

Only with concerted efforts can we effectively deal with global environmental issues such as climate change, marine pollution and biological protection, and achieve the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development goals.

日本天皇退位 abdication of Japan Emperor



Japanese emperor Akihito is set to step down from the throne on Tuesday, which will make him the first monarch to abdicate in more than 200 years.


Abdicate,读作[??bd??ket],在这里就是step down from the throne(退位)的意思,还可以用relinquish the throne表示。此外,这个词也可以表示“放弃(职责)、失职”,比如:Many parents simply abdicate all responsibility for their children.(许多父母对孩子简直是完全撒手不管。)需要注意的是,在表示“退位”的时候,简单一个abdicate就可以了,而如果表示“放弃职责、失职”,则需要用abdicate responsibility for something/somebody表示。

His son, Crown Prince Naruhito, 59, will be inaugurated as the 126th emperor the next day, ushering in the Reiwa era.


这里需要注意的是,“某人就任、就职”用的是someone is inaugurated (as)这样的句式表达,因为inaugurate本身的意思就是“使...正式就任”。The inauguration of the president或者presidential inauguration自然就是“总统就职典礼”。如果看到something is inaugurated则表示“(某个项目)举行落成典礼/成立庆典”。



"When I consider that my fitness level is gradually declining, I am worried that it may become difficult for me to carry out my duties as the symbol of the State," the Emperor said in 2016.



The abdication ceremony will take place in the afternoon with attendees including Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, Empress Michiko, Crown Prince Naruhito and Crown Princess Masako, as well as the heads of both houses of parliament and Supreme Court justices. Over 330 attendants will also be present.

Imperial chamberlains will carry state and privy seals into the room along with two of Japan's “Three Sacred Treasures” – a sword and a jewel – which together with a mirror are symbols of the throne.

Abe will announce the abdication and Akihito will make his final remarks as emperor.

On Wednesday morning, Crown Prince Naruhito will inherit the Imperial Treasures in his first ritual as emperor.


五四运动100周年 the centenary of the May Fourth Movement

纪念五四运动100周年大会(a ceremony to mark the centenary of the May Fourth Movement)今天上午10时30分在人民大会堂举行。中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平出席大会并发表重要讲话。





The May Fourth Movement was a great patriotic and revolutionary campaign pioneered by advanced young intellectuals and participated by the people from all walks of life to resolutely fight imperialism and feudalism.

The May Fourth Movement was a great social revolutionary movement launched by the Chinese people to save the nation from subjugation, safeguard national dignity and pool national strength together.

The May Fourth Movement was a great enlightenment and new cultural movement of disseminating new thought, new culture and new knowledge.

The May Fourth Movement is a grand flag of patriotism raised with the power of the whole nation.

The May Fourth Movement is a grand enlightenment for the entire nation to pursue truth and progress.

The May Fourth Movement has cultivated a great tradition of permanent endeavor.



Young Chinese of the new era should establish belief in Marxism, faith in socialism with Chinese characteristics, as well as confidence in the Chinese dream of national rejuvenation.

Chinese youth of the new era should love their country ardently, the essence of patriotism is having unified love for the country, the Communist Party of China, and socialism.

Young Chinese of the new era should follow the instructions and guidance of the Party, and remain dedicated to the country and the people.

Chinese youth of the new era should be grateful to the Party, the country, the society and the people.

Young people should not only care about their family and country, but also have concerns for humanity.

Young people should nurture and practise core socialist values, and guard against wrong ideas such as money worship, hedonism, extreme individualism and historical nihilism.

Young people should work hard in learning the Marxist stance, viewpoints and methods, mastering scientific and cultural knowledge and professional skills, and improving their humanistic quality.



The Communist Party of China (CPC) should shoulder the political responsibility of nurturing a new generation of capable young people who have a good and all-round moral, intellectual, physical, and aesthetical grounding in addition to a hardworking spirit, and who are well-prepared to join the socialist cause.

We should listen to young people's views on social issues and phenomena, as well as their opinions and advices on the work of the Party and the government.

Even if they express harsh or partial criticism, we should correct our mistakes when we have made any and guard against them when we have not.

The Party should address young people's concerns in employment, starting business, integrating into the society, love, marriage and making friends, caring for the elderly and raising children, so as to create favorable conditions for their development.

We should educate and guide young people to view the world properly, to understand the national conditions comprehensively, and to grasp the trend of the era.

The Communist Youth League of China (CYLC) should unite and lead Chinese youth of the new era to strive for the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation.

The CYLC should serve their duties of guiding and uniting the youth, mobilizing them, connecting them and providing services.


(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)

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