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中国日报网 2019-09-30 10:17


中国共产党问责条例 regulation on Party accountability

The revised regulation on Party accountability, made public on Wednesday, targets Party organizations and leading officials of Party committees and discipline inspection committees.


poor leadership of the Party;

insufficient promotion of political, theoretical, organizational and disciplinary work within the Party;

insufficient combating of corruption;

improper conduct in the most pressing issues that concern the people, including education, medical services, ecological protection, food and drug safety, poverty relief and social security.


(一)检查。责令作出书面检查并切实整改(be ordered to write a letter of remorse and rectify)。

(二)通报。责令整改,并在一定范围内通报(be named and shamed within certain ranks)。

(三)改组。对失职失责,严重违犯党的纪律、本身又不能纠正的,应当予以改组(be restructured for serious dereliction of duty and violation of Party regulations)。


(一)通报。进行严肃批评,责令作出书面检查、切实整改,并在一定范围内通报(be named and shamed within certain ranks)。

(二)诫勉。以谈话或者书面方式进行诫勉(receive oral or written warnings)。

(三)组织调整或者组织处理。对失职失责、危害较重,不适宜担任现职的,应当根据情况采取停职检查、调整职务、责令辞职、免职、降职等措施(be suspended from their posts, transferred, or forced to resign, demotion, or dismissal)。

(四)纪律处分。对失职失责、危害严重,应当给予纪律处分的,依照《中国共产党纪律处分条例》追究纪律责任(be subject to punishment for violating Party discipline)。

《条例》还明确,实行终身问责(lifelong accountability),对失职失责性质恶劣、后果严重的,不论其责任人是否调离转岗、提拔或者退休等,都应当严肃问责(officials will be held responsible for serious breaches of duty for life, even if they are transferred, promoted or retire)。


教育app education app

Education authorities and schools should ask the opinions of students, parents and teachers before introducing applications to students, according to a guideline issued by the Ministry of Education and seven other departments on Thursday.


意见明确,教育移动互联网应用程序(简称教育app)是指以教职工、学生、家长为主要用户(teaching staff, students and parents as target users),以教育、学习为主要应用场景(teaching and learning as major application scenarios),服务于学校教学与管理、学生学习与生活以及家校互动(applicable to teaching and management, learning activities and teacher-parent communication)等方面的互联网app。


All apps used at schools should register with provincial education authorities by the end of this year, and a long-term management mechanism on the apps with specific standards and rules should be established by the end of 2020.


Schools should not charge any fees for apps for teaching and student management, and these apps should not contain any commercial advertisements or games, it said.

Schools cannot force students to use certain apps or associate the use of the apps with grades, credit or honorary titles.


The guideline added that apps for student management should contain different functions in order to cut the number of apps students need to download.


The providers of education apps should set up a data security mechanism that covers collection, storage, transmission and use of personal information.


中华人民共和国成立70周年纪念币 coins to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China


中国人民银行9月6日对外公布,定于9月10日起陆续发行中华人民共和国成立70周年纪念币一套(a set of coins to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China)。

The set includes two gold, four silver and one copper alloy coins, all legal tender, the People's Bank of China said on its website.


Tender这个词用法很多,比较常见的是作为形容词表示“温柔的、和善的”,比如,tender heart;另外,tender也可以作为动词或名词使用,动词的时候表示“提出”,比如:tender one's resignation;作名词时可表示“货币,投标”等,常见的搭配有make a tender of(投标),legal tender(法定货币)。

All coins feature the national emblem on the obverse and are inscribed with Chinese characters reading "the 70th anniversary of the founding of the PRC" on the reverse side.

One of the gold coins, with a diameter of 60 mm, contains 150 grams of gold and has a denomination of 2,000 yuan (about $281.29). The other gold coins, 22 mm in diameter, contains 8 grams of gold and has a denomination of 100 yuan, according to the central bank.

A total of 2,000 large-size gold coins and 60,000 smaller gold coins will be available for purchase, it said.

The silver coins have denominations of 300 yuan, 50 yuan and 10 yuan, with issuing amounts of 5,000, 7,000 and 200,000 respectively.


智能路灯杆 smart lamp posts

Lamp posts in 17 streets of Haidian district are being upgraded into smart lamp posts that integrate roles of monitoring traffic violations, showing road signs and holding 5G facilities.



此次北京市“多杆合一”试点改造的内容,主要是对现有的路灯(road lamps)、违章抓拍(traffic violation monitoring)、治安探头(public order monitoring)、街道监控(streets monitoring)、道路名牌(road signs display)及5G等专业的单一杆体进行杆体合并。“多杆”整合后,各种设施和标识标牌都将尽量整合到一根综合杆上。

通州的多功能路灯杆则更加“智能”,将大气监测(air quality monitoring)、违停监控(illegal parking monitoring)、5G上网、指路服务(giving road direction)等多种功能全部集成在一根小小的路灯杆上。

不仅如此,人行便道上阻碍通行的变电箱(substation box)、通信电箱(electricity supply box for communication)等都将隐藏,天空中显眼的各种飞线(overhead power lines)则会入地。

苹果新品 Apple new products

北京时间9月11日凌晨,苹果公司在美国总部Apple Park的乔布斯剧院举行新品发布会,推出了iPad、Apple Watch以及全新iPhone等一系列硬件产品和软件服务。


新发布的iPhone 11拥有6种配色:紫色、白色、黑色、绿色、黄色以及红色。

Kaiann Drance presents the new iPhone 11 at an Apple event at their headquarters in Cupertino, California, the United States, Sept 10, 2019. [Photo/Agencies]
The iPhone 11 has a dual camera, which includes a second camera featuring an ultra-wide lens. Artificial intelligence capabilities in the camera will auto-adjust lighting and reduce noise to allow users to take low-light images and more detailed portraits. It also features a front-facing portrait mode and slo-mo video capabilities in the front-facing camera.
iPhone 11采用了双摄像头,其中一个为超广角镜头。摄像头搭载的人工智能技术可以自动调节光线并降噪,用户可以拍摄低亮度环境的照片以及细节更加优化的人像。同时,前置摄像头有人像模式,还可以拍摄慢动作视频。

此外,苹果还首次推出了后缀为Pro的iPhone 11 Pro。

Apple announced the iPhone 11 Pro, which is being touted as “the most advanced and detailed iPhone yet”, with a three-lens “pro” camera system, more energy efficiency and spatial audio sound.
苹果发布的iPhone 11 Pro被标榜为“目前最先进、最精细的iPhone”,这款手机配备了三个摄像头的专业级摄像功能,能耗更低,音效更好。


Tout,读作[ta?t],可以作为动词或名词使用,有“招徕,兜售,标榜”之意,作名词是一般指“票贩子”。常见搭配有,tout products(兜售商品),tout for investment(招揽投资),tout tickets(倒票)等。

Videos made with the iPhone 11 Pro cameras will shoot in 4k resolution at 60 frames per second.
iPhone 11 Pro的摄像头可以拍摄每秒60帧的4K视频。

这次新推出的Pro系列背面是磨砂质地(matte finish),有深空灰色、银色、金色和暗夜绿色四种。


Apple also revealed the Apple Watch Series 5 at Tuesday’s event, which will have an always-on screen while maintaining up to 18 hours of battery life.
此次发布会还推出了Apple Watch Serise 5,屏幕可实现永久点亮,保持18个小时续航。

The iPad also got an update. The new 7th generation of the product will have a larger screen of 10.2 inches, up from 9.7 inches, and support for the Apple Pencil and Smart Connector, which lets users attach Apple’s own keyboards to the device to turn it into a pseudo-laptop.



Apart from the hardware, Apple said it will launch its all-original streaming service Apple TV+ on Nov. 1, this year.
除了硬件产品以外,苹果还宣布将在11月1日推出完全原创的流媒体服务Apple TV+。

Users who buy any Apple products including new iPads, iPhones, laptops, or desktops are eligible to enjoy one year of free subscription to Apple TV+.
购买新款iPad、iPhone、笔记本电脑或台式机的用户可以享受Apple TV+一年的免费服务。


上海迪士尼食品新规 new food policy at Shanghai Disney



Effective immediately, visitors can now bring outside food and beverages into Shanghai Disneyland for consumption as long as these items do not require heating, reheating, processing, refrigeration or temperature control and do not have pungent odors.

不允许携带的具体为:需加热水食用的方便面(instant noodles);带自热功能的食品(food kept in containers with reheating capabilities),如自加热火锅;需加工冷藏或保温的食品,如西瓜(watermelon);带有刺激性气味的食物,如榴莲(durian)、臭豆腐(stinky tofu)。

游客将继续可以携带瓶装水和饮料(bottled water and beverages)入园,遍布乐园的50多个直饮水供应点和20多个热水供应点也将继续为游客免费提供饮用冷热水。

Alcoholic beverages, cans and glassware will still be prohibited, with the exception of small baby food jars.

The company said that while guests are welcome to enjoy their own food and beverages at designated picnic areas throughout the park, they must adhere to the city's waste sorting regulations and help maintain a clean and tidy park environment.



Guests are encouraged to open their own bags and remove any flagged items. The resort said it is also seeking ways to utilize new equipment like X-ray machines to support security screening in the future.

国家步道 national trails

China has added three woodland walks to its list of national trails to enhance the travel experience of outdoor enthusiasts and further stimulate forest tourism.


国家步道(national trails)是指穿越生态系统完整性、原真性较好的自然区域,串联一系列重要的自然和文化点(natural and cultural spots),为人们提供丰富的自然体验机会,并由国家相关部门负责管理的步行廊道系统。欧美国家近百年的成功实践表明,国家步道是国家基础设施建设的重要组成部分(a major infrastructure project),是国家形象的重要组成元素,是肩负着生态教育(ecological education)、遗产保护(heritage conservation)、文化传承(cultural continuity)、休闲服务(recreation services)、经济增长(economic growth)等诸多使命的自然与文化综合体。国家森林步道是国家步道的基础线路和重要组成部分。

第三批国家森林步道途经黑龙江、安徽、河南、湖北、湖南、重庆、贵州等7省(市),沿线有33处国家森林公园(forest parks)、25处国家级自然保护区(nature reserves)、7处国家湿地公园(wetlands)、10处国家级风景名胜区(national scenic areas)、11处国家地质公园(geological parks)、2处世界遗产地(world heritage sites)等各类保护地。

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