全国超500家影院复工 多部经典影片将重映
中国日报网 2020-03-26 14:35


A total of 486 cinemas returned to business on Friday after being closed for about two months to contain the spread of the coronavirus.
China Film Co. has selected a batch of films for rerelease after the epidemic subsides, including: "American Dreams in China" (2013), "Wolf Totem" (2015), "Wolf Warriors 2" (2017), "The Wandering Earth" (2019) and Lebanese director Nadine Labaki’s "Capharnaüm" (2018). All five movies were box office hits and received highly positive reviews.
All box-office revenue will go directly to the cinemas, after the films’ distributors and production companies agreed not to take their usual 43% cut of ticket sales.
China Film Co. further suggested that Chinese cinemas could set low prices for the films, which would benefit audiences.

All four of the Disney-owned “Avengers” movies and Disney/Pixar’s “Coco” are being lined up for re-release in China.
They are expected to be made available to cinemas from March 26 up until the end of June, according to a screenshot of an exhibitor’s internal lineup.

Warner Bros. Pictures announced on its Weibo account on March 19 that a restored 4K rerelease of "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" will soon be returning to Chinese theaters in 3D. However, no release date has yet been set, due to the ongoing fight against the COVID-19 epidemic.
The selection now also include Disney’s “Call of the Wild” and Oscar-winner “Jojo Rabbit,” which was pulled from its initial February release date, which are set to reach the specialty circuit of the National Alliance of Arthouse Cinemas on April 3, according to 1905.com, the website of state-owned broadcaster China Movie Channel.
Re-releasing well-loved older titles minimizes financial risk and does not require audiences to experiment with untried content.
Comparing the box office gross data of the first quarter year-on-year, China's film market has so far lost 1.65 billion yuan.
Beijing and Shanghai film authorities have issued orders to distribute subsidies to cinemas facing difficulties and newly built theaters, as well as policies to give subsidies to film companies.
预告片 trailer
剧透 spoiler
首映 premiere
特效 special effect
票房 box office
大片 blockbuster
影评网站 film rating/review site
视觉特效 visual effect
影片配音 film dubbing
电影发行公司 film distribution corporation
参考来源:Variety、Sixth Tone,澎湃新闻
(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)