每日一词∣积极有序推进造林绿化 promote afforestation in an active and orderly manner
中国日报网 2020-03-27 10:49

China urged greater afforestation efforts amid the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak to ensure afforestation targets are met this year, according to a circular released by the General Office of the State Council. Promoting afforestation in an active and orderly manner is an important part of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects and realizing the economic and social development goals of the 13th Five-Year Plan. It is also an important measure to boost employment and incomes of the poor and win the battle against poverty, the circular said.
当前春季造林绿化正处在关键时期。3月11日,国家林业和草原局召开春季造林绿化和森林草原防火电视电话会议, 会议指出,今年全国计划完成造林1.01亿亩、森林抚育1.2亿亩,种草改良草原5194万亩,任务十分繁重,再加上受疫情影响,困难和挑战可能更大。国务院办公厅日前印发的《关于在防疫条件下积极有序推进春季造林绿化工作的通知》指出,各地区、各有关部门要按照疫情科学防控、分类指导的要求,因地制宜,分区施策,积极有序开展春季造林绿化工作。低风险地区要加快造林绿化进度;中风险地区要错时开工、错峰作业、分散施工,安全有序开展春季造林绿化。创新作业设计审批形式,简化招投标流程,缩短审批时间,加快实施进度。发挥造林绿化生态扶贫优势,组织动员当地农民特别是建档立卡贫困人口,就地就近更多承担造林绿化任务,促进农民就业增收,助力脱贫攻坚。
The lack of forests and vegetation, and fragile ecological environment are still problems that need tremendous efforts.
Efforts should be taken to promote the high-quality development of afforestation, coordinate management of mountains, waters, forests, farmland, lakes and grassland, continuously advance the building of forest city and forest countryside.
man-made forest
voluntary tree planting
improve the quality of afforestation