中国日报网 2020-04-01 13:16
中低风险地区 medium- and low-risk areas
Via a mobile app, each resident of Hubei province will be granted a colored health QR code. A red code indicates the holder is a confirmed or suspected COVID-19 case, a yellow one indicates a close contact, while a green one means the holder has no contact with any cases.
健康码(health QR code)是一个开放的系统,可根据不同地区需求,结合各地疫情防控需要快速推出,以最高效的方式实现应用。2月11日,杭州在全国率先推出健康码,用“红黄绿”三色二维码作为数字化健康证明(digital health certificate),助力疫情防控。
The green code holders from the medium- and low-risk areas will be given green light across the province to promote operation resumption of enterprises while ensuring the safety of the personnel, according to a circular issued by the provincial COVID-19 control headquarters. The green code holders from high-risk areas should follow the specific travel rules of local authorities.
The yellow code holders will not be allowed to travel and those carrying red codes must be quarantined and treated, said the headquarters.
The colors of the health codes may switch based on the health conditions of the holders.
Cities, counties and districts with no newly confirmed cases in the last 14 days are categorized as low-risk regions, those with fewer than 50 cases or those with over 50 but without a concentrated outbreak are classified as medium-risk regions, and those with over 50 cases as well as a concentrated outbreak are classified as high-risk regions.
绿化 afforestation
China has made new strides in advancing afforestation in 2019 with the area of newly created forests totaling 7.067 million hectares, the report said.
这里的afforestation读作[əˌfɔrɪˈsteɪʃn],是个名词,其英文解释为the process of planting large numbers of trees on land which has few or no trees on it,即“在原本树木稀少或者没有树木的土地上大量种树的过程”,也就是我们所说的“植树造林”,由此可见,这是一个人为绿化的过程。植树造林产生的森林一般称为“人工林(manmade forest)”,与之相对的“天然林”就是natural forest。
China also restored a total of 1.745 million hectares of degraded forests nationwide and improved 3.147 million hectares of degraded grasslands last year, according to the report.
公报称,2019年全民义务植树深入开展,“互联网+全民义务植树(internet plus public voluntary tree planting)”不断拓展,活动丰富多彩。
More than 500 million people have participated in a virtual tree planting project in the mobile payment app Alipay. A total of 39,000 hectares of trees had been planted last year via the project, it said.
此外,2019年草原生态保护修复(grassland ecological protection and restoration)力度加大,湿地保护修复(wetland protection and restoration)有效加强,沙区生态状况持续改善。全国完成防沙治沙(desertification control)任务226万公顷,荒漠化土地面积连续净减少。
输入病例 imported COVID-19 cases
3月12日举行的国务院联防联控机制新闻发布会上,国家卫健委新闻发言人米锋指出,总体上,我国本轮疫情流行高峰已经过去(pass the climax of the novel coronavirus outbreak),新增发病人数在持续下降,疫情总体保持在较低水平。
Hubei province, the epicenter of the epidemic, had eight new coronavirus infections on Wednesday, all in its capital city of Wuhan, Mi said.
Regions in Hubei outside of Wuhan have reported no new infections for one week, and outside of Hubei, the Chinese mainland reported seven new cases on Wednesday, including six cases imported from abroad, he said.
他表示,要把医疗救治工作摆在第一位(treatment of patients remains the top priority),不麻痹(remain vigilant)、不厌战(avoid succumbing to battle fatigue)、不松劲,毫不放松抓紧各项防控工作。
Zhong said that there still exists the possibility that the COVID-19 outbreak could end in June, but this hinges on all countries taking full and active measures to tackle it.
If some countries do not pay full attention to the infectious nature and harm of the disease or intervene forcibly, (the outbreak) may be prolonged, Zhong said.
"Many imported cases (to China) are asymptomatic. Patients don't necessarily have a fever. They don't think it's a big deal and they arrive in China and find themselves testing positive for the coronavirus," Zhong said.
他表示,我国应该加强对输入患者的管控,避免境外输入患者成为新的传染源,应该做到入境人员14日隔离(14-day quarantine)或对其进行核酸检测(nucleic acid testing)。
就餐指引 dining guidance
Diners will not be allowed to sit face-to-face in restaurants and canteens in Beijing during the coronavirus outbreak, according to the latest government notice.
The guidelines also asked outlets of catering firms and canteens of government units and institutes to place dining tables at an interval of at least 1 meter.
指引要求,餐饮服务单位要在店内外候餐区(waiting area)、取餐区(serving area)、结账区(cashier desk)划设“一米线”,严格控制排队就餐人流密度,提倡使用二维码扫码点餐、结账(use QR codes for placing orders and paying bills)。餐饮服务单位要安排专门人员对就餐人员检测体温,体温正常方可进入餐厅就餐。
指引还要求,内部食堂应采用分时段错峰就餐等服务方式。餐饮服务单位要全面推行公筷公勺(serving chopsticks and spoons),有条件的餐厅要积极推广分餐制(serving of individual dishes)。
在就餐环境方面,指引明确提出,餐厅对于顾客接触多的桌面、门把手、水龙头、走廊、电梯、扶手、洗手间等部位及时清洁消毒(timely disinfection of tables, doorknobs, faucets, doorways, handrails and restrooms that are regularly touched by customers)。
餐具、饮具和盛放直接入口食品的容器,使用前必须清洁消毒,做到“一客一用一消毒(disinfection after each serving)”。厨余垃圾加盖、分类及时清理。
妨害国境卫生检疫罪 the crime of disturbing frontier health and quarantine
3月16日,最高法、最高检、公安部、司法部、海关总署五部门联合发布《关于进一步加强国境卫生检疫工作 依法惩治妨害国境卫生检疫违法犯罪的意见》。
According to the guideline, people refusing the health checks or falsifying health statement cards while entering China will be identified as committing the crime of disturbing frontier health and quarantine.
1. 检疫传染病染疫人或者染疫嫌疑人(people with quarantinable infectious diseases or suspected epidemic victims)拒绝执行海关依照国境卫生检疫法等法律法规提出的健康申报(health declaration)、体温监测(temperature check)、医学巡查(medical inspection)、流行病学调查(epidemiological investigation)、医学排查(medical screening)、采样等卫生检疫措施,或者隔离、留验、就地诊验、转诊等卫生处理措施的。
2. 检疫传染病染疫人或者染疫嫌疑人采取不如实填报健康申明卡等方式隐瞒疫情(hide epidemic information),或者伪造、涂改检疫单、证等方式伪造情节的(falsifying quarantine forms)。
3. 知道或者应当知道实施审批管理的微生物、人体组织、生物制品、血液及其制品等特殊物品可能造成检疫传染病传播,未经审批仍逃避检疫,携运、寄递出入境的(transport or post special articles that may cause spread of quarantinable infectious diseases)。
4. 出入境交通工具上发现有检疫传染病染疫人或者染疫嫌疑人,交通工具负责人拒绝接受卫生检疫或者拒不接受卫生处理的(refuse quarantine or sanitation measures)。
5. 来自检疫传染病流行国家、地区的出入境交通工具上出现非意外伤害死亡且死因不明的人员,交通工具负责人故意隐瞒情况的(people who intentionally hide non-accidental deaths on the public transport that is under their charge and from a region or country where an infectious disease is rampant)。
6. 其他拒绝执行海关依照国境卫生检疫法等法律法规提出的检疫措施的。
Although some people clearly knew they had COVID-19 symptoms or had been to high-risk countries, they concealed that crucial information to avoid quarantines. Some even took fever-reducing drugs to cover up symptoms and pass inspections, said Wang of the customs administration.
他提醒,广大出入境旅客在出入境时一定要如实、完整、准确地填报健康申明卡,并配合海关做好体温监测、医学巡查、流行病学调查等各项卫生检疫措施(follow quarantine measures),这既是对本人和家人健康安全的保护,也是必须履行的法律义务(legal obligation)。
疫苗研发 vaccine research and development
Chinese scientists have been racing to develop COVID-19 vaccines by five approaches, namely inactivated vaccines, genetic engineering subunit vaccines, adenovirus vector vaccines, nucleic acid vaccines, and vaccines using attenuated influenza virus as vectors, said Wang Junzhi, an academician with the Chinese Academy of Engineering.
So far, most teams are expected to complete preclinical research in April and some are moving forward faster, said Wang.
Some research team has been enrolling volunteers and applied for clinical trials with the National Medical Products Administration, he added.
In general, China's vaccine development against COVID-19 is among the world's front-runners.
Lei said that the flu viral vector-based vaccine is currently under animal tests for safety and efficacy tests and scheduled to apply for the clinical trial by the end of April.
China would begin testing its messenger ribonucleic acid vaccine, or mRNA vaccine, on primates to evaluate its safety and efficacy, and hopefully the vaccine could enter clinical trials by mid-April.