中国日报网 2020-04-01 13:16

戴口罩指南 guidance on mask wearing
Medical masks and surgical masks are sufficient for normal use, and wearing multiple masks does not provide more protection, according to the guideline.
指引对普通公众(general public)、特定场所人员(people at specific areas)、重点人员(key population groups)以及职业暴露人员(people with occupational exposure)进行分类,并对不同场景下戴口罩提出科学建议。
普通公众在居家(stay at home)、户外(outdoors),无人员聚集(no crowds)、通风良好(well-ventilated)的情况下,建议不佩戴口罩。
The public is advised to carry along masks when in crowded places such as offices, shopping malls, restaurants, workshops and public transport. People in high-risk areas should wear surgical masks all the time when entering such places, while those in medium-risk and low-risk areas need to wear medical masks when in contact with others at the distance of less than 1 meter.
Those who have cold symptoms such as coughing or sneezing, or who live with personnel in quarantine or that have recovered from the novel coronavirus and been discharged from the hospital, are suggested to wear disposable medical or surgical masks.
People working in places such as hospitals, train terminals, airports, prisons and nursing homes need to wear surgical masks or respirators of grade KN95/N95 or above.
The suspected cases, confirmed cases of novel coronavirus, asymptomatic cases and those who have close contact with confirmed cases are recommended to wear surgical masks or respirators with no breathing valve graded at KN95/N95 or above. Entry personnel need to wear such masks from the moment they enter the country to the end of their required quarantine.
心理疏导 psychological counseling
The work plan called for sustained psychological counseling services especially for COVID-19 patients, their families, families of fallen patients, vulnerable groups, health workers and those fighting the virus in the front line including police officers and community workers.
方案指出,目前,我国新冠肺炎疫情防控形势发生积极向好变化(the positive trend in the epidemic prevention and control work is now expanding),不同人群心理状况也随之变化。
制定本方案的目标是,针对患者及其家属、病亡者家属、一线工作人员等重点人群,开展心理疏导、心理干预等心理服务,维护公众心理健康(maintain public mental health),促进社会和谐稳定(promote social harmony and stability)。
The work plan asked community workers to help recovered patients and their families return to their normal lives and prevent stigma around the disease.
Social service organizations and mental health facilities should be mobilized to provide the bereaved families with social support and psychological counseling services as a way to help them handle the grief, the work plan said.
In hard-hit regions particularly Hubei and its provincial capital Wuhan, special work teams composed of mental health professionals, social workers and volunteers should be set up for the purposes, according to the work plan.
Highlighting care for the psychological wellbeing of those working in the front line, it called for efforts to help the general public seek outlets for their unhealthy emotions due to long-term quarantine.
第一入境点 first point of entry
Starting Monday, the Chinese capital will redirect all the inbound flights scheduled to land at Beijing Capital International Airport to 12 designated airports.
Passengers will go through customs clearance and quarantine at these airports, and those having passed quarantine inspection can fly to Beijing on their original flights, it said.
As of Saturday, the capital had seen no confirmed cases in residents for 15 consecutive days, Gao Xiaojun, health commission spokesman, said at a news conference on Sunday afternoon.
"The imported cases are the current focus of the city's prevention and control efforts," Gao said.
The Chinese mainland saw a total of 314 confirmed cases in patients from other countries, as of Saturday, according to the National Health Commission. Those in Beijing accounted for about 31 percent.
从3月16日零时起,所有境外进京人员(包括无症状者),均应转送至集中观察点进行14天的隔离观察(14-day quarantine)。有特殊情况的,经严格评估,可进行居家观察(home quarantine)。集中隔离观察期间,隔离人员费用自理。
The airports in Tianjin, Taiyuan, in Shanxi province, and Hohhot, in the Inner Mongolia autonomous region, have been handling such diverted inbound flights since Friday.
The entry arrangements for the Beijing-bound international flights will be adjusted in a timely manner in accordance with the COVID-19 outbreak situation, the statement said.
中医药 TCM medicine

A total of 74,187 confirmed patients, which account for 91.5 percent of the total infections on the Chinese mainland, have been administered traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) as part of their treatment, and over 90 percent of them have shown improvement during clinical observation, according to Yu Yanhong, Party secretary and top official of the National Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
TCM has effectively relieved symptoms, cut the rate of patients developing into severe conditions, raised the recovery rate, reduced the mortality rate and boosted patients' recovery, Yu said.
余艳红说,此次新冠肺炎疫情,在早期没有特效药、没有疫苗的情况下,总结中医药治疗病毒性传染病规律和经验,深入发掘古代经典名方,结合临床实践,形成了中医药治疗新冠肺炎的诊疗方案和中西医结合的“中国方案”(a "Chinese plan" that combines traditional Chinese medicine with western medicine),筛选出金花清感颗粒、连花清瘟胶囊、血必净注射液和清肺排毒汤、化湿败毒方、宣肺败毒方等有明显疗效的“三药三方”为代表的一批有效方药(effective TCM drugs and prescriptions)。
XuanFeiBaiDu Granule can increase the lymphocyte recovery rate by 17 percent and the clinical cure rate by 22 percent in the controlled observation, according to Huang Luqi, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering.
Liu Qingquan, head of the Beijing Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, said that two TCM drugs -- Jinhua Qinggan Granule and Lianhua Qingwen Capsule/Granule have proven to be effective in the treatment of mild COVID-19 cases, while Xuebijing Injection can help treat inflammation and coagulation dysfunction.
Zhang Boli, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, said that TCM treatment has significantly lowered the proportion of patients whose conditions turned from mild to severe. "None of the 564 patients at the TCM-oriented temporary hospital in Wuhan saw their health condition deteriorating into severe," said Zhang. "We have therefore applied TCM treatment to over 10,000 patients in other makeshift hospitals, and the rate of patients developing into severe conditions were substantially reduced," said Zhang.
TCM and Western medicine may come from two different medical systems and have different perspectives on health and diseases, but they are both based on the standard of factual clinical efficacy.
The practice of treating COVID-19 patients has proved once again that the precious wisdom left by our TCM ancestors is still practical, effective and economical. We would love to share these valuable experiences and effective treatment methods with all countries.