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中国日报网 2020-04-23 14:27



A community worker shows a smart manhole lid which can send alert to staff members via sensors when being moved from its place, in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province, on Oct 23, 2019. [Photo/Xinhua]


The guideline comprises 12 articles, including punishments of ordinary criminal crimes such as theft and destruction of manhole covers as well as crimes of dereliction of duty related to manhole covers.


People who steal or damage manhole covers and cause serious consequences, such as people falling in or vehicles overturning, will be deemed as having committed the crime of sabotaging a means of transport, transportation facilities in accordance with the Chinese Criminal Law.

If someone steals or damages manhole covers in crowded places, such as stations, ports, parks, squares, schools or business zones, and the action leads to serious injuries or deaths, he or she may be charged with endangering public safety by dangerous means, the guideline said.

In addition, anyone who deliberately removes or destroys manhole covers despite knowing that the action may cause serious harm to others may be charged with intentional homicide or intentional injury if someone is killed or hurt, the guideline said.


Those working in state organs who fail to do their job or abuse their power when engaged in manhole cover procurement, construction, acceptance checks, use and inspection, causing heavy losses to public money or property or the interests of the state and the people, will be punished in accordance with the standards for the crimes of dereliction of duty and abuse of power, said the guideline.


窨井盖 manhole covers

扰乱公共场所秩序 undermining public order

公共交通工具上行为不当 acting inappropriately on public transport

破坏私人或公共财物 damaging private or public property

玩忽职守 dereliction of duty

滥用职权 abuse of power


(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)

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