启用备用试卷 安徽歙县高考9日补考语文、数学
中国日报网 2020-07-08 11:04


The government of Shexian county in Anhui province said on Tuesday that the downpour, which began before dawn, was the heaviest in 50 years. The county was forced to delay the first day's two exams-for Chinese language and mathematics-as most local students failed to reach the two examination sites on time because of flooding.
The county has 2,207 students aiming to take this year's gaokao, but only around 500 had arrived at the examination sites by 10 am, according to Wang Tianping, head of the county's education bureau.
The two delayed exams are scheduled to take place on Thursday using alternate set of exam papers, exams on other subjects will be held as scheduled on Wednesday,the authorities said.
The National Meteorological Center on Tuesday issued an orange alert for rainstorms, as heavy downpours are forecast to hit vast stretches of the country.
蓝色预警(blue alert)
黄色预警(yellow alert)
橙色预警(orange alert)
红色预警(red alert)

From Tuesday night to Wednesday night, heavy rain and rainstorms are expected in Hubei, Anhui, Hunan, Jiangxi and Zhejiang, among other regions, the National Meteorological Center said, warning that some areas of Hubei, Jiangxi and Anhui will experience downpours with up to 280 mm of daily rainfall.
The center advised local authorities to remain alert for possible flooding, landslides and mudslides, and recommended halting outdoor operations in hazardous areas.
The Ministry of Education decided to stop giving bonus points to students who have exceptional sports ability, who have won academic Olympiads or science and technology competitions, who are named "provincial-level excellent students" or those who have performed "righteous and courageous deeds" in 2018.
2019年,多地启动高考改革 取消文理分科
Eight provincial-level regions joined in gaokao reform in 2019. The change will cover students who entered high schools in fall 2018 or later in Hebei, Liaoning, Jiangsu, Fujian, Hubei, Hunan, Guangdong and Chongqing.
The reform allows the students to have more choices — up to 12 combinations of subjects instead of the current two choices between arts and science. Their performances during high school academic tests will also serve as measurable indicators.
Any students who cheat or are involved in identity theft in the national college entrance exam, or gaokao, will be disqualified from enrolling in universities and colleges, the Ministry of Education said.
高考 national college entrance examination(NCEE)
自主招生 independent admission
保送录取 gain admission to college without taking NCEE
高考移民 NCEE migrant
义务教育 compulsory education
教育公平 education equality
异地高考 children of migrant workers to sit NCEE locally
(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)