中国日报网 2020-10-13 11:05


Captive breeding of 45 types of wild animals, including bamboo rats, will be phased out by the end of this year, the National Forestry and Grassland Administration said.
确需适量保留种源(for the purpose of keeping the species alive)用于科学研究等非食用性目的的,要充分论证工作方案的可行性,并严格履行相关手续。
这里的短语phase out表示“逐步淘汰,逐步停止”,因为phase本身就有“阶段”的意思,所以phase out强调的就是分阶段、一步一步地停止。比如:They phased out my job in favor of a computer.(他们一步步用电脑取代了我的岗位)。这个短语的名词形式是phase-out,比如:The project is currently in its phase-out period.(这个项目目前处于逐步收尾阶段)。
Another 19 wild animals, including hedgehogs, guinea pigs, nutrias and cobras, will be allowed to be raised for species protection, scientific study, medical use and the pet industry, but stricter regulation of farming and quarantine inspections will be required.

The decision has made it clear that all wildlife on the protection list of the existing Wild Animal Protection Law or other laws, and all terrestrial wildlife, including those artificially bred and farmed, are banned from consumption.
全面禁止以食用为目的猎捕、交易、运输在野外环境自然生长繁殖的陆生野生动物(hunting, trading and transportation of wild terrestrial animals for purposes of consumption)。
对于鸽、兔等人工养殖、利用时间长、技术成熟,人民群众已广泛接受的人工饲养的动物(farm-raised animals),决定规定,列入畜禽遗传资源目录的动物,属于家畜家禽(under the category of poultry and livestock),适用畜牧法的规定。
传染病防治 prevention and control of infectious diseases
动物防疫 animal quarantine
公共卫生事件应急响应 public health emergency response
陆生野生动物 wild terrestrial animals
水生动物 aquatic animals
(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)