每日一词∣亚太命运共同体 an Asia-Pacific community with a shared future
中国日报网 2020-11-20 17:00

President Xi Jinping said on Nov 19 that the Asia-Pacific is a community with a common stake and should move toward closer regional economic integration. In the keynote speech delivered at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation CEO Dialogues via video link in Beijing, he said the region need to accelerate innovation-driven growth, enhance regional connectivity, and realize inclusive and sustainable development.

The Asia-Pacific is our shared home. To sustain peace, stability, development and prosperity in the region meets the interests of us all.
We should strengthen the sense of community of common destiny, contribute to other's development with that of one's own, tap fully into our respective strengths through coordination and interconnection, pass on positive energy and achieve sound interactions and coordinated development among all economies.
reform the system of global economic governance
the principle of extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits