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中国日报网 2021-02-16 11:34





At 8:46 pm on Monday, China has just set a new Spring Festival record by accumulating a box office total of around 6 billion yuan during the holiday, including presale tickets, according to the live movie information tracing app Beacon. The figure surpassed the former same-period record of 5.905 billion yuan in 2019.


说几个跟record(纪录)相关的搭配:set/make a record(创下纪录),break a record(打破纪录),beat/smash/shatter a previous record均表示“打破此前的纪录”,与break a record意思类似,只不过用词更加生动形象,避免重复。

另外补充两个跟record相关的固定短语:off the record (私下说的;不供发表的),比如:She made it clear that her comments were strictly off the record.(她说得很清楚,她的这些评论绝不许对外公布);on the record (公开发表;公开表明),比如:None of the company directors were prepared to comment on the record yesterday.(昨天,公司没有一个董事准备公开发表意见)。



Detective Chinatown 3, the third installment of the title franchise, which is about a couple of amateur detectives' adventures in solving mysteries, has soared as this festival's box-office champion by bringing in around 3 billion yuan despite receiving mixed reviews.

Hi, Mom, widely regarded as the top dark horse thanks to its tear-jerking depiction of mother-daughter affection, has earned 1.7 billion yuan in rising to the second slot. The film is the directorial debut of comedy actress-turned-filmmaker Jia Ling.


Debut这个词读作[deɪˈbju],可以用作动词、名词或形容词,均表示“初次、首次”的意思,比如:She made her professional stage debut in Swan Lake.(她凭借《天鹅湖》首次在专业舞台亮相);Her new detective series will be her debut on the small screen.(她新拍的侦探剧将是她的小荧幕首秀);This song will be debuted next Saturday night.(下周六晚,这首歌首发);She made her debut album in 1973.(她在1973年发布首张专辑)。


Director Lu Yang's A Writer's Odyssey, a boldly imaginative visualization of a horrible fantasy world, has taken the third seat with 410 million yuan.



As an anti-epidemic measure, authorities are requiring theaters in low-risk areas to limit seating to 75 percent of capacity.


Most cinemas in big cities have raised ticket prices since there are more moviegoers but fewer seats. Besides, they have extra costs for pandemic-prevention items.



动作片 action movie

武侠片 swordsmen film, martial-arts movie

音乐歌舞片 musical

古装剧 costume drama

催泪片 tear-jerker

票房 box office

大片 blockbuster

影评网站 film rating/review site

视觉特效 visual effect

影片配音 film dubbing

电影发行公司 film distribution corporation


(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)

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