中国日报网 2021-02-26 10:21


The National Administration for Rural Revitalization was formally inaugurated at the headquarters of the former State Council Leading Group Office of Poverty Alleviation and Development in Beijing.
英文报道中的inaugurate通常有三层意思,一表示“就职,举行就职典礼”,具体的用法是,(就职的)人+ be inaugurated 比如:US President Donald Trump was inaugurated on January 20, 2017.(美国总统特朗普的就职典礼于2017年1月20日举行。)“就职典礼”的名词形式可以直接用inauguration来表示,后面无需加ceremony,因为inauguration本身就包含“典礼”这一层意思,比如:presidential inauguration(总统就职典礼)。
二表示“落成,成立”,用法与第一层意思相同,(成立的)机构+ be inaugurated,比如:A new school was inaugurated in the village.(这个村子里新落成了一所学校。)
三表示“开创,开展”,比如:The coronavirus pandemic has inaugurated a time of chaos and change.(新冠病毒大流行开创了一个混乱与变革的时代。)Pan Am inaugurated the first scheduled international flight.(泛美航空公司开通了第一条国际定期航班线路。)
作为国务院议事协调机构,国务院扶贫开发领导小组(the State Council Leading Group of Poverty Alleviation and Development)成立于1986年5月16日,当时称国务院贫困地区经济开发领导小组,1993年12月28日改用现名。
国家乡村振兴局正式挂牌,既是我国脱贫攻坚战取得全面胜利(complete victory of the fight against poverty)的一个标志,也是全面实施乡村振兴战略(comprehensively promote the rural revitalization strategy),奔向新生活、新奋斗的起点。
文件指出,乡村振兴,产业兴旺(thriving businesses)是重点;生态宜居(pleasant living environment)是关键;乡风文明(social etiquette and civility)是保障;治理有效(effective governance)是基础;生活富裕(prosperity)是根本;摆脱贫困(out of poverty)是前提。
到2020年,乡村振兴取得重要进展(substantial progress in rural vitalization),制度框架和政策体系基本形成(the strategy should have established an institutional framework and policy system);
到2035年,乡村振兴取得决定性进展(decisive progress will be achieved in rural vitalization),农业农村现代化基本实现(basically realize modernization of agriculture and rural areas);
到2050年,乡村全面振兴,农业强、农村美、农民富全面实现(rural areas should have strong agriculture, a beautiful countryside and well-off farmers)。
乡村振兴 rural revitalization
农业农村农民问题(“三农”问题) issues relating to agriculture, rural areas, and rural people
农业农村现代化 modernization of agriculture and rural areas
农村土地制度改革 reform of the rural land system
农业支持保护制度 the systems for supporting and protecting agriculture
(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)