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中国日报网 2021-04-01 09:10



单针接种疫苗 single dose vaccine

2月25日,由中国工程院院士、军事科学院军事医学研究院研究员陈薇领衔的团队研发的我国重组新冠病毒疫苗(腺病毒载体新冠疫苗),获国家药品监督管理局附条件批准(conditional market approval)上市注册申请。

The vaccine, called Ad5-nCoV, has an efficacy rate of 65.7 percent at preventing symptomatic cases and is 90.9 percent effective in preventing severe disease with a single injection, according to interim analysis of late-stage human trials released in February.


疫情发生以来,国务院联防联控机制科研攻关组专门设立疫苗研发专班,按照灭活疫苗(inactivated vaccines)、重组蛋白疫苗(recombinant protein vaccines)、腺病毒载体疫苗(adenovirus vector vaccines)、减毒流感病毒载体活疫苗(vaccines using attenuated influenza virus as vectors)、核酸疫苗(nucleic acid vaccines)5条技术路线共布局12项研发任务。

中国疫苗行业协会会长封多佳介绍,重组新冠腺病毒载体疫苗和我们熟知的新冠灭活疫苗在原理、制备方法等方面都不相同,但最终的免疫效果是一样的。腺病毒载体疫苗(adenovirus vector vaccines)本质上是核酸疫苗的一种,就是将病毒的核酸片段装到经过安全处理的腺病毒(genetically modified adenovirus)身上,再注射到人体内,这样可以最大限度地发挥病毒核酸的抗原活性,激发身体的免疫作用(induce an immune response)。灭活疫苗(inactivated vaccines)则是将病毒杀死,消除致病性,保留免疫性,同样是为了激发身体的免疫作用。

Targeting people aged above 18, the vaccine can be transported and stored at a temperature ranging from 2 to 8 degrees Celsius.




Data shows a single dose should provide protection for six months, and there is no need to take an additional shot during the six-month period.

We also created booster shots for inoculation after six months, and with a single booster, we can increase the immune response by 10 to 20 times. Based on available data, we estimate two shots can provide protection for two years.




China is capable of producing 500 million doses of the vaccine annually, which can cover 500 million people.



In regards to the vaccine's efficacy against mutated strains of SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for COVID-19, Chen said they are keeping a close eye on the situation and have begun developing vaccines for these new variants. "We may not need these vaccines, but we cannot be caught unprepared."


国家综合立体交通网 national comprehensive transport network


Amid efforts to optimize the country's comprehensive transport layout, the total scale of the national comprehensive transport network will reach about 700,000 km by 2035, excluding the mileage of overseas sections of international land passages, air and sea routes and postal routes. Among them, there will be about 200,000 km of railways, 460,000 km of highways and 25,000 km of high-grade waterways, with 27 major coastal ports, 36 major inland ports, about 400 civil-transport airports and about 80 postal express-delivery hubs, the guidelines said.


这里用来表示“布局”的名词layout来源于动词短语lay out,表示“规划,部署,设计,展示”等意思,比如:The layout of the apartment was good, but the kitchen was too small(这个房子的格局不错,就是厨房太小了),She designed the page layout for the new magazine(新杂志的页面设计是她做的),She laid out her plans for the new house(她展示了对新房子的布局规划)。



By 2035, the country's transport network should be convenient, cost-effective, green, intelligent and safe.

The transport network should feature higher domestic and international connectivity, multi-channel access to major cities, and effective coverage of county-level regions.

China should be at the global forefront in terms of the quality, intelligence and green levels of transport infrastructure.

By the middle of the century, a modern, high-quality and comprehensive national transport network will be built in an all-round way, with a world-class transport infrastructure system.


“全国123出行交通圈(1-2-3 travel range)”指:都市区1小时通勤(1-hour commuting in urban aresa)、城市群2小时通达(2-hour travel time between city clusters)、全国主要城市3小时覆盖(3-hour travel time between major cities)。

“全球123快货物流圈(1-2-3 logistics range)”指:国内1天送达(domestic 1-day delivery)、周边国家2天送达(2-day delivery to neighboring countries)、全球主要城市3天送达(3-day delivery to major cities around the world)。



China will work to build a national comprehensive transport-hub system that consists of integrated transport-hub clusters, hub cities and hub ports, the guidelines said, stressing faster construction of about 20 international comprehensive transport-hub cities and about 80 national ones.


两会 two sessions

3月4日下午,全国政协十三届四次会议(the fourth session of the 13th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference)开幕。3月5日,十三届全国人大四次会议(the fourth session of the 13th National People's Congress)开幕。

今年是中国共产党建党100周年,也是“十四五”规划开局之年(the start of the 14th Five-Year Plan period)。处于重要历史交汇点上的中国,将如何擘画新阶段的发展方向与路径?今年两会期间这些议题值得期待和关注。

* 经济发展目标 economic development goals


Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, China was the only major economy in the world to register positive growth in 2020, with its GDP expanding 2.3 percent to hit 101.6 trillion yuan (about 15.7 trillion US dollars) in the year.

Last year, no specific GDP growth figure was set in the government work report due to the uncertainty brought by COVID-19 and the world economic and trade environment.


China's economy is resilient, has potential and will maintain sustained growth in 2021. But the primary goal of economic development is not to seek a nice-looking GDP figure but to raise the quality of the growth and ensure people's well-being.


* 双循环 dual circulation

党的十九届五中全会提出了“加快构建以国内大循环为主体、国内国际双循环相互促进的新发展格局”(the new development paradigm featuring dual circulation, in which domestic and overseas markets reinforce each other, with the domestic market as the mainstay)的重大战略部署。

The 14th Five-Year Plan will further clarify how China will implement the dual circulation strategy and achieve high-quality development.


Dual circulation is seen as a strategic and win-win choice for China to reshape its international cooperation and new competitive edge.

* 科技创新 sci-tech innovation


Making major breakthroughs in core technologies in key areas, China will become a global leader in innovation.

National legislators and political advisers, many of whom are scientists and Big Tech executives, are expected to discuss the ways to build China's sci-tech strength and create an enabling environment for innovation.

* 绿色发展 green development

2020年9月的第七十五届联合国大会一般性辩论到12月举行的气候雄心峰会,我国多次表示,二氧化碳排放力争于2030年前达到峰值(peak carbon dioxide emissions by 2030),努力争取2060年前实现碳中和(achieve carbon neutrality by 2060)。

中央经济工作会议将做好碳达峰、碳中和工作列入2021年要抓好的8大重点任务之一(one of eight policy priorities)。

In January, Minister of Ecology and Environment Huang Runqiu said China has begun formulating an action plan to peak carbon dioxide emissions before 2030 and will accelerate the transformation toward green and low-carbon development across China's society over the next 10 years.


* 立法 legislation


In 2019, the NPC session adopted the Foreign Investment Law. Last year, the milestone Civil Code was adopted.

今年将提请十三届全国人大四次会议审议的,是全国人大组织法修正草案(draft amendment to the organic law)和全国人大议事规则修正草案(draft amendment to the procedural rules of the NPC)。

全国人大组织法颁布施行于1982年,全国人大议事规则颁布施行于1989年,两部法律是最高国家权力机关依法行使职权(exercise functions and powers)的重要制度保障,施行30多年来还没有进行过修改。



关于完善香港特区选举制度的决定 decision on improving the electoral system of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR)


The 13th National People's Congress (NPC), China's top legislature, will deliberate a draft decision on improving the electoral system of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) during its fourth annual session, according to the agenda unveiled Thursday.


The NPC has both the power and the responsibility to make the decision at the constitutional level to improve the electoral system of the HKSAR.

Calling the electoral system of the HKSAR an important part of its political structure, Zhang said what happened in recent years has proven the need to improve the system in steps with the times in order to provide a sound institutional guarantee for fully and faithfully implementing "one country, two systems" and fully implementing the principle of "patriots governing Hong Kong."




To ensure the steadfast and successful implementation of "one country, two systems", we must always adhere to the principle of "patriots governing Hong Kong". This principle is fundamental to national sovereignty, security, development interests, as well as the long-term prosperity of Hong Kong.

"Only through ‘patriots governing Hong Kong’ can the central government's overall jurisdiction over the HKSAR be effectively implemented, the constitutional order as set out by the Constitution and the Basic Law be effectively safeguarded and the long-term stability and safety of Hong Kong be achieved," he added.

The spokesman said matters concerning the political system of the HKSAR “are the prerogative of the central government.”


这里的prerogative,读作[prɪˈrɒɡətɪv],表示“独有的权利(或权力),特权”,比如:Alex makes all the big decisions - that's his prerogative as company director.

“The central government has the authority and responsibility to improve the electoral system in Hong Kong. The HKSAR government respects that the central government is taking the lead and will render its full co-operation,” he said.


英语主课地位 English as a core subject



In the proposal, Xu said that English should not be a core subject like Chinese and math during compulsory education and more course hours should be given to improving students' skills in physical education, music and art.


Compulsory这个词我们都很熟悉,表示“强制的,义务的,必须做的”意思,除了表示“义务教育(compulsory education)”以外,学校里设置的“必修课”是compulsory courses,再比如,It is compulsory for all motorcyclists to wear helmets.(所有骑摩托车的人都必须戴头盔。)

Xu said English and other foreign languages should also not be included as compulsory subjects for the national college entrance exam.


While English takes up about 10 percent of class hours, less than 10 percent of university graduates use the language at work, he said.

Moreover, smart translation devices can offer sophisticated translation services and in the age of artificial intelligence, translators will be among the top 10 professions to be eliminated, he added.



According to a online poll by China Youth Daily, more than 110,000 respondents opposed the proposal and said English should be taught early at schools to enable China to compete with other countries. However, around 100,000 people supported the proposal and said it would be better to spend more time learning Chinese language and culture.



"I'm not saying that we shouldn't learn English. I'm saying that we shouldn't let the whole population learn the language while only a few can use it, and this just doesn't make sense. According to data released in 2019, there are about 40 million students learning English in preschool and compulsory education, but probably less than 4 million will use it at work. They learn English for nine years and in the end only 1/10 of them will use the language. It is a waste of educational resources to make children shoulder such a heavy burden and ask them to learn a course that they may not use in the future."





The Ministry of Education made English a compulsory course from third grade in 2001. The decision had proved to be a smart one as hundreds of millions of Chinese students have broadened their horizons and improved their cultural awareness and critical thinking ability through learning the language.



The key is to reform China's exam-oriented education system so that English teaching will focus on improving students' language skills, not exam-taking ability.

Removing English as a core subject will only result in greater imbalances between urban and rural students in English proficiency as urban students will more likely resort to costly after-school training to learn the language.

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