54只狗狗“考公务员”失败被拍卖,网友:原来考警犬都这么卷了 Shenyang Police Academy to Auction Unqualified Cop Dogs
中国日报网 2021-06-29 08:00


A police training academy in northeastern Liaoning province is looking for permanent homes for over 50 canines that failed the exam to join the official canine team, where they would work as sniffer dogs to detect drugs and bombs, among other contraband. The animals are scheduled to be auctioned online, allowing prospective bidders to adopt a new pet as long as they pledge a lifetime of commitment and care toward the animals.

The 54 dogs, most of them German Shepherds, that did not qualify to work with the police team will be auctioned on July 7, according to an announcement made by the Criminal Investigation Police University of China in Shenyang on Tuesday. The animals were deemed unfit for the force for not meeting the police’s stringent size, strength, personality, or age requirements for canine members, or due to poor performance during the selection process.
Note: stringent

According to the auction’s rules, the starting bid for each dog is 200 yuan ($30) but participants must first watch a video about their favored animal before being able to bid. They are also required to take them home the same day and sign a written commitment stating that they will follow the local regulations and will not resell the dogs or transfer ownership.

“(The owner must) treat the adopted dog kindly and feed and manage it properly until its natural death, and assume full responsibility if they fail to fulfill this promise,” the announcement reads.

On its website, details of the animals have been downloaded over 60,000 times, while the webpage has attracted over 150,000 views as of Friday afternoon.

“Involution is everywhere, and even these dogs are having a difficult life – those who fail the exam will be sold,” one Weibo user wrote.




Following the attention that the Shenyang police academy’s post drew online, Jiangning Popo, a police officer with an influential social media presence, reminded people to follow local guidelines on raising these breeds. While some cities do not allow people to keep large-sized dogs, others require them to be microchipped for “civilized dog-raising.”
中国刑警学院的公告在网上引起关注后,社交网络大V号警官@江宁婆婆 提醒人们,在饲养这些品种的狗狗时,要遵循当地的养犬规定。有些城市不允许饲养大型犬,也有城市要求饲养大型狗时必须安装微型芯片,“文明养犬”。
“In short, don't be hot-headed. Think carefully before you bid,” Jiangning Popo told his 5.8 million followers.
来源:Sixth Tone, 新京报