每日一词∣“双减” ease the burden of excessive homework and off-campus tutoring for students undergoing compulsory education
中国日报网 2021-07-28 17:00

Chinese authorities have introduced a set of guidelines to ease the burden of excessive homework and off-campus tutoring for students undergoing compulsory education. Jointly issued by the General Office of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and the General Office of the State Council, the document bans local authorities from approving any new tutoring institutions for academic course training.

近年来,按照党中央、国务院决策部署,各地深入开展 “双减”工作,取得了积极成效。但现在义务教育最突出的问题之一还是中小学生负担太重,短视化、功利性问题没有根本解决。一方面是学生作业负担仍然较重,作业管理不够完善;另一方面是校外培训仍然过热,超前超标培训问题尚未根本解决,一些校外培训项目收费居高,资本过度涌入存在较大风险隐患,培训机构“退费难”“卷钱跑路”等违法违规行为时有发生。这些问题导致学生作业和校外培训负担过重,家长经济和精力负担过重,严重对冲了教育改革发展成果,社会反响强烈。
We should make efforts to give full play to the main role of schools in teaching and education, while regulating after-school training institutions both online and offline.
We should stick to the socialist orientation in running schools, the non-profit nature of education and developing education that the people are satisfied with.
high-quality education system
education equality