防止未成年人沉迷网络游戏 国家出手了
中国日报网 2021-08-31 11:17

近日,国家新闻出版署下发《关于进一步严格管理 切实防止未成年人沉迷网络游戏的通知》,针对未成年人过度使用甚至沉迷网络游戏问题,进一步严格管理措施。

The notice requires online game companies to allow minors to play only from 8 pm to 9 pm on Fridays, weekends and official holidays, with no access permitted at other times.
Minor这个词用法很多,可以用作动词、名词和形容词。在法律上,minor指未满18岁的人,即“未成年人”。在学校里,minor可以指“辅修(课程)”或者“辅修生”,与major(专业)相对,比如,I'm minoring in computer science./Computer science is my minor.(我辅修计算机科学。)用作形容词的时候,minor也是与major相对的,表示“次要的、轻微的、小的”,比如,She played a number of minor roles in films.(她在电影里扮演过一些小角色。)
Underage和minor都表示“未成年”,二者的区别在于,underage是形容词,表示“is legally too young to do something”,也就是“未到法定年龄的”,比如:underage youth(未成年人)、underage drinking(未成年人饮酒行为)等;而minor是名词,与adult相对,大家应该都很熟悉了,比如:cigarette sales to minors are not allowed(禁止向未成年人销售香烟)。
Online game companies could provide no more than one and a half hours of service to minors on ordinary days, with the limit set at no more than three hours on official holidays.
Allowing less time for online games will help guide minors to physical exercise and social activities that are better for study and health, the administration said.
We leave some time for minors to play online games because some teachers and parents said that they understand and accept minors' moderate exposure to the games, especially healthy ones including sports games, programming and chess.
It also urged the strict implementation of real-name registration and logins, saying that online game providers must not provide any form of game service to users who fail to register and log in using their real identifications.
Press and publication administrations at all levels have been asked to supervise the implementation of related measures and deal with companies that fail to put measures in place.
Internet product and service providers shall not offer minors with products and services that induce addiction, says the revision.
Providers of online services, including game, livestream, audio and video, and social media, shall set up corresponding functions such as time limit, authorization and consumption limit for minors, according to the revision.
未成年人权益 minor's rights and interests
未成年人身心健康 physical and mental health of youngsters
留守儿童 left-behind children
防沉迷系统 anti-addiction system
非法弹窗广告 illegal pop-up ads
实名注册 real-name registration
(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)