中国日报网 2022-01-21 18:52


By 2025, China will have a stronger modern system for the tourism sector integrating cultural development and boasting an improved barrier-free environment and services, according to the circular.
By 2035, the country aims to become a world tourism powerhouse, with a wider variety of tourist hot spots, including national cultural parks, world-class tourist attractions and resorts, and state-level cities and blocks serving tourism and leisure, it added.
It involves promoting smart tourism with digital, networked and intelligent scenarios and expanding the application of new technologies in tourism.
Tourism development, the circular said, should pursue harmonious co-existence with nature in steadily building national cultural parks and national parks, protecting historical resources and natural resources.
A modern tourism governance system should be in place for handling tourist complaints to safeguard their legitimate rights and interests, emergency responses, as well as prevention and control of major risks from disasters and accidents.
无接触旅游消费 :contactless tourism and consumption
国家文化公园: national cultural parks
乡村旅游:village tourism