新突破!中国科学家诱导出“最年轻”人类全能干细胞 Chinese scientists, int'l counterparts breed youngest human cells in vitro
中国日报网 2022-03-23 17:05


An international team led by Chinese scientists has successfully produced the youngest human cells in vitro, which may pave the way for advances in organ regeneration.
The study published Tuesday in the journal Nature announced the discovery of a rapid, controllable method to convert stem cells into bona fide 8-cell embryo-like cells, without relying on genetic engineering.
2012年,诺贝尔生理学或医学奖(Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine)授予了日本科学家山中伸弥(Shinya Yamanaka)和英国发育生物学家(developmental biologist)约翰·格登(John Gurdon)。前者是诱导多功能干细胞(induced pluripotent stem cells, iPS)技术开发者之一,后者则在细胞核移植(nuclear transplantation)方面进行了开创性的研究。这些研究免除了科学家使用人体胚胎(human embryos)提取干细胞的伦理道德制约(ethical constraints),从而使与干细胞(stem cells)有关的疾病研究能更进一步。与此同时,将成熟的体细胞重编程(reprogramming),“倒推”到更加多能(pluripotent)甚至全能(totipotent)的状态,这仍然是科学界的长期追求。
A team of researchers from China, Britain and Bangladesh converted pluripotent stem cells, or an "adult" version of early embryonic cells, back to a more "juvenile" version of cells with developmental potential, tantamount to fertilized eggs in their Day 3 developmental stage.
由中国、英国和孟加拉国的科学家组成的研究团队将人类多能干细胞,即“成年”版本的早期胚胎细胞,转化成具有发育潜力的、更“年轻”的干细胞 ,即相当于受精卵发育3天状态的全能干细胞。
Totipotent 8-cell stage embryo-like cells recreate the embryonic state of a fertilized egg after only three divisions, making them the youngest human cells acquired in vitro ever known, said Li Wenjuan, from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, who is one of the corresponding authors of the paper.
Cells described as "totipotent" mean that they have the potential to create all types of cells within embryonic and extra-embryonic tissues, according to the researchers.
"These cells can not only differentiate into placental tissue but also potentially develop into more mature organs," Li said.
Ethical review had given clearance to the relevant study.
胚胎组织 placental tissue
多能干细胞 pluripotent stem cell
基因工程 genetic engineering
伦理审查 ethical review