【双语看美国】美国校园枪击惨案频发,政客们却称控枪“为时过早” After Nashville shooting, lawmakers again call gun action 'premature'
中国日报网 2023-03-31 19:18

The shooting at The Covenant School in Nashville on Monday, marks the 16th shooting this year in grades K-12 and the deadliest since the school shooting in Uvalde, Texas, last year, according to a CNN analysis of school shooting data. Six people — three children and three adults — were killed.
Firearms accounted for nearly 19% of childhood deaths (ages 1-18) in 2021, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Wonder database. Nearly 3,600 children died in gun-related incidents that year. That’s about five children lost for every 100,000 children in the United States.
美国疾病控制与预防中心Wonder数据库数据显示,2021年死亡的儿童和青少年(1-18 岁)中死于枪击的占近19%,约3600名儿童死于枪击事件。这意味着在美国平均每10万名儿童中大约就有5名儿童死于枪击。
There have been 130 mass shootings so far in 2023, the highest number of shootings recorded at this point in any year since at least 2013, according to data from the Gun Violence Archive.

Despite shock over more schoolchildren being gunned down by a mass shooter, politicians in Washington quickly returned to arguments that have become standards in a deadlocked debate.
Even President Joe Biden seemed resigned, telling reporters Tuesday he "can't do anything except plead with the Congress to act reasonably."
"I get really angry when people try to politicize it for their own personal agenda, especially when we don't even know the facts," House Majority Leader Rep. Steve Scalise said Tuesday.
"Let's work to see if there's something that we can do to help secure schools. We've talked about the need to improve mental health in this country, and that's been a driver of a lot of these shootings as well," Scalise added.
Sen. John Thune of South Dakota echoed Scalise, deeming any discussion of new gun safety legislation "premature."
"Our thoughts are with the families, the victims with the community. We are grateful for the quick rapid response of law enforcement, and I think with respect to any discussion of legislation, it's premature. There's an ongoing investigation. And I think we need to let the facts come out," he said.
来源:CNN, ABCNews