Forrest Gump 阿甘正传(精讲之一)
[ 2006-03-13 17:30 ]
4. awful:
A.极不好的,让人很不开心的 an awful smell
B.身体欠佳 I felt awful this morning.
C. 很非常,不正式 We spent an awful lot of money on furniture.
5. as crooked as a politician:
这里指背弯的像个政客,粉刺政客无法挺直身板做人as…as…是极高频的词组,多用来比较和比作。美国人用他的频率甚至高过than。As tall as me 比较 as strait as an arrow比作。
6. don't make no sense:
这里就是没有道理的意思。在口语中大多时候双重否定还表否定,只是对否定的强调。一般一个否定出现后面再有几个否定都只是强调。如果要表示别人的话讲的有道理你可以说:your words make sense to me。
Ku Klux Klan(三K党):
secret terrorist organization that originated in the Southern states during the period of Reconstruction(南部重建时期:1865年至1877年的这一段时期,其时南部邦联诸州由联邦政府控制1877年它们才被允许重入联邦)following the American Civil War (1861-1865)。
The original Klan was organized in Pulaski, Tennessee, during the winter of 1865 to 1866, by six former Confederate army officers who gave their society a name adapted from the Greek word kuklos ("circle"). Although the Ku Klux Klan began as a prankish social organization, its activities soon were directed against the Republican Reconstruction governments and their leaders, both black and white, which came into power in the South in 1867. The KKK used violence and intimidation to keep blacks segregated and to prevent them from voting and holding office.
Modern Ku Klux Klan: Here members of the Klan demonstrate against Black History Month in Annapolis, Maryland, in 1998.
从这辆公交车的驶过,我们便了解了阿甘现在所处的是1981,而在影片结束Jenny墓前我们再次看到Jenny出生在1945,也就是说与她年纪相当的阿甘出生在baby boom时代即美国二战后的生育高峰。他那带着浓厚南方口音又有些迟钝的声音,让我们看到他的'与众不同'。

1 你想来点花生吗?
2 我要介绍给你的人可真正是百里挑一的啊。
3 考试真是变幻莫测,你永远不知下面会遇到什么题。
4 你真是令人讨厌。