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[ 2006-08-22 08:18 ]

 歌曲背景有别于“All rise”和“One love”鲜明的R&B曲风,“Guilty”更以优美的抒情声线,令人动容的旋律,以及深情、真诚的流行嗓音而见长。谈到“Guilty”的创作灵感时,创作人唐肯介绍说,“Guilty”为其“前女友”安雅而作……



Guilty       by Blue

I never want toplay the games that people play
I never want to hear the things theygottasay
I've found everything I need
I never wanted anymore than I can see
I only want you to believe

CH - (LEE)
If it's wrong to tell the truth
Then what am Isupposedto do
When all I want to do is speak my mind (speak my mind) - ALL
If it's wrong to do what's right
I'm prepared totestify
If loving you with all my heart's a crime -ALL
Then I'm guilty

Iwannagive you all the things you never had
Don't try to tell me how he treats you isn't bad
I need you back in my life
I never wanted just to be the other guy (be the other guy -LEE)

Lee Ryan

I never wanted to live a lie

CH - (LEE)
If it's wrong to tell the truth
What am I supposed to do
All I want to do is speak my mind (speak my mind) -ALL
If it's wrong to do what's right
I'm prepared to testify
If loving you with all my heart's a crime -ALL
Then I'm guilty

Girl I followed my heart
Followed the truth
Right from the start it led me to you
Please don't leave me this way
I'm guilty now all I have to say

CH - (LEE)
If it's wrong to tell the truth
Then what am I supposed to do
When all I want to do is speak my mind (speak my mind) -ALL
If it's wrong to do what's right
I'm prepared to testify

Simon Webbe

If loving you with all my hearts a crime -ALL
Then I'm guilty

What am I supposed to do- Duncan
Then I'm guilty -Lee
All I wanna do is speak my mind -All
Gulity- Lee
Then I'm guilty- Lee
I'm prepared to testify- Duncan
If it's wrong to do what's right then tell me about this feeling inside- Lee
If loving you with all my hearts a crime- All
I'm Guilty- Duncan

  Words and phrases

1. play games:敷衍塞责;若形容某人“做事不认真、吊儿郎当游戏人间”,都可以用词组play games。不过,千万别混淆了“play games”和“play the game”的区别,词组play the game常被用来指“遵守比赛规则,行动光明正大”,看例句:You should play the game in accordance with the rule.(你们应按照规则进行比赛。)

在歌中,play games可以理解为“玩爱情游戏”。“Guilty”(《罪爱》)是乐队成员Duncan James(唐肯)写给“前女友”安雅的。两人分手后,唐肯仍然像老朋友一样约安雅,而且两人每次都玩的很开心。一次,安雅告诉唐肯,每次开心之后,她都有种负罪感,觉得对不起现任男友。正是这句“GUILTY”激发了唐肯的创作灵感,所以说“Guilty”(《罪爱》)与其说是“认罪”倒不如说是“爱的告白”——我对你是认真的,从来不是玩玩而已。

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