影片对白 Like a son to me, I leave all my worldly possessions to my beloved kitty, Prince the 12th.
文化面面观 加菲猫之私密档案
考考你 一展身手
2. Suck up
“拍马屁,献媚”,例如:Now that he's the boss they're all sucking up to him, hoping to get big raises. 这种行为可真是够讨厌的。
Suck-up连写则表示“拍马屁/献媚的人”,例如:He's such a suck-up.
3. Get ahead of oneself
"To get ahead of oneself" is to plan or do something which is not yet appropriate. Other things usually need to happen first. 例如比赛还没有结束,球迷们就开始庆祝胜利,这就是get ahead of themselves。我们来看一个例子:
- After I win the first prize in the essay contest, I'm going to rent a new apartment, buy a new car, start dating Cozette, and tell the boss to shove it where…
- Sounds like you're getting a little ahead of yourself.
- Well, a guy can dream, can't he?
4. My word
和My dear,My God,Jesus 之类的词一样,my word 或者or upon my word 都是用来表示感叹或是惊讶的。例如:Oh, my word! You've changed so much!
5. Good show
和 nice doing,well done 类似,good show也是用来表示对某些行为/事情的赞许的,例如:He tried hard, so we yelled "Good show!"
6. We shall see.

Over the course of the strip, Garfield's behavior and appearance evolved. Initially, he was drawn extremely obese with flabby jowls and small round eyes. 这是加菲猫在一九七八年六月十九日第一幅漫画中的模样。他有尖尖的耳朵,t字型的鼻头,上唇和双颊长着许多小麻点。脸上长更多胡子,身上的斑纹也比较多。他性喜讽刺别人,讲风凉话,胃口大得惊人。这倒是从来不曾改变过。

Later, his appearance was slimmed down and his eyes enlarged. By 1981, Garfield started walking on his hind feet from time to time (these rear paws are now drawn as proportionally huge), due to being too fat to walk on four legs. By the middle of 1983, his familiar appearance-featuring oval-shaped eyes-had taken shape. By this time, Garfield was walking on two feet, and the strip emphasized sitcom situations such as Garfield making fun of Jon's stupidity and his inability to make social connections. 这只胖猫咪变得越发圆滚滚了。他的脑袋呈球型,几乎跟身体一样大。他的眼睛也变大了,以便表达更多情绪(同时把食物盯得更紧!)他的鼻子是个简单的小椭圆形,他的胡子减少成每边三根,头部的斑纹只剩每边三条,每边面颊也只有三个麻点。八零年代中期以来,这只疏懒成性的虎斑猫仍然觉得躺下最快乐。Jon and Odie have also evolved quite a bit, from being thin and starkly colored to the more beleivable cartoons they are today.