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Million dollar baby《百万美元宝贝》精讲之五
[ 2007-11-30 17:57 ]


文化面面观  Professional vs. amateur boxing 职业拳击与业余拳击

考考你   小试牛刀 



Eddie Scrap-Iron Dupris (Voice-over): All fighters are pig-headed some way or other. Some part of them always thinks they know better than you about something.

Frankie Dunn: Can you uh...spare a few minutes for the Immaculate Conception?

Eddie Scrap-Iron Dupris (Voice-over): Truth is, even if they're wrong. Even if that one thing is going to be the ruin of them, if you can beat that last bit out of 'em, then they ain't fighters at all.

Frankie Dunn: Thought I said I’d see you Monday.

Maggie Fitzgerald: You sure did, boss.

Frankie Dunn: That was last night.

Maggie Fitzgerald: You said not to argue with you.

Frankie Dunn: Damn woman won't do a thing I tell her.

Eddie Scrap-Iron Dupris (Voice-over): You want my advice?

Frankie Dunn: What? Where are your shoes?

Eddie Scrap-Iron Dupris (Voice-over): I’m airing out my feet.

Frankie Dunn: You got big holes in your socks.

Eddie Scrap-Iron Dupris (Voice-over): Oh, they're not that big.

Frankie Dunn: Didn't I give you money for some new ones?

Eddie Scrap-Iron Dupris (Voice-over): These are my sleeping socks. My feet like a little air at night.

Frankie Dunn: How come you're wearing 'em in the daytime, then?

Eddie Scrap-Iron Dupris (Voice-over): Cos my daytime socks got too many holes in 'em.

Frankie Dunn: Well, if I give you some more money, you buy some new socks. Please.

Eddie Scrap-Iron Dupris (Voice-over): Well, I’d be tempted, but I couldn't say for sure. Might find its way to the track.


Eddie Scrap-Iron Dupris (Voice-over): Didn't take Maggie long to hit her stride.

Maggie Fitzgerald: I got the breathing thing down.

Frankie Dunn: No, you ain't breathing because you're knocking 'em out in the first round.

Maggie Fitzgerald: Thought that was the point.

Frankie Dunn: The point is to get good. Can't get good if you keep knocking 'em out in the first round. How am I going to get you fights? Nobody wants to see their fighter embarrassed.

Maggie Fitzgerald: Why am I still doing four-rounders, boss?

Frankie Dunn: Cos you haven't got the lungs for six rounds, that's why.

Maggie Fitzgerald: I do if I keep knocking 'em out in the first round.


1. Air out

这个片语的意思是“透气,使暴露于空气中”,例如:We need to air out the smoke-filled rooms. 我们得把满是烟味的房间通通风。

2. How come…

How come 的意思就是“为什么会这样呢”,它后面可以跟所有你有疑问的内容,比如:How come Channel 5 is showing Heros so late? 为什么5频道这么晚放映《英雄》?

3. Find one's way

这个片语蕴含了很多的感情意义,它的意思是“Reach a destination, especially with some difficulty or not as a matter of course”,相当于我们汉语中的“(终于)达成……”,例如:She finally found her way to the remote cabin. 她终于找到了回偏远小屋的路。

4. Hit one's stride

这个片语的意思是“achieve a steady, effective pace 达到一个稳健的速度、步态”,也就是我们所说的“脚步走顺了,上道了”,例如:After the first few laps around the track he hit his stride. 跑了几圈后,他的步态稳健了。


文化面面观  Professional vs. amateur boxing 职业拳击与业余拳击

考考你   小试牛刀

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