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[ 2007-12-24 17:19 ]


影片对白  You know what your problem is, Hitch? You're all about the short game.


6. Keep one's head above water

如果连头都陷入水中,那说明麻烦可不小。所以这个片语的意思就是“Stay out of trouble, especially financial difficulties运离困境,犹指财务、工作上的困境”,例如:With new bills coming in every day they're barely keeping their heads above water. 每天都有新帐单,他们几乎快要陷入危机了。

The work's piling up, but I manage to keep my head above water. 工作越来越多,但我还是设法完成了。

7. Get in line

意思就是“排队”,Ben 和 Hitch 看到的美女可是被一大群男人围着哪。例如:I get in line to make a call. 我排队等候打电话。

8. Have one’s foot in one's mouth

这个片语也写作put one's foot in one’s mouth,意思就是“说蠢话”,例如:Jane put her foot in her mouth when she called him by her first husband's name. 简说了蠢话:她把他的名字叫成她前夫的名字了。


Urban myth 都市传奇

直译过来就是“都市传说”,通常都被称为 urban legend,这个名称来源于一部电影《Urban Legend》(都市传奇),说的是美国新英格兰地区的普德顿大学流传着一个都市传奇:三十年前,校内有一名异常心理学教授在史丹利大楼疯狂杀死六名学生后自杀。校内兄弟会的学生每年都举办狂欢派对纪念这件事。三十年后的今天,校园突然发生一连串的凶杀案,一位很有主见的学生娜塔莉认为凶手是根据都市传奇做案手法杀人,她的好友布兰黛、新闻系学生保罗和爱玩闹的戴蒙都说这纯属巧合。可是当事情发展下去,他们却不得不怀疑,而他们也都成为凶手的下一个目标。

An urban legend is a kind of modern folklore consisting of stories often thought to be factual by those circulating them. (The term is often used with a meaning similar to that of the expression "apocryphal story"). Urban legends are not necessarily untrue, but they are often distorted, exaggerated, or sensationalized. Despite the name, a typical urban legend does not necessarily originate in an urban setting. The term is designed to differentiate them from traditional folklore in preindustrial times.

Urban legends are sometimes repeated in news stories and, in recent years, distributed by e-mail. People frequently allege that such tales happened to a "friend of a friend"—so often, in fact, that "friend of a friend", or "FOAF", has become a commonly used term when recounting this type of story.

The urban legend phenomenon is well-known in other languages. In the Netherlands, for example, a tale about monkey meat gave rise to the term "broodje aap verhalen" (i.e., monkey sandwich stories).

Some urban legends have survived a long time, evolving only slightly over the years, as in the case of the story of a woman killed by spiders nesting in her elaborate hairdo. Newer legends tend to reflect modern circumstances, like the story of people ambushed, anaesthetized and waking up minus one kidney, which was surgically removed for transplantation.

Many urban legends are framed as complete stories, with plot and characters. Urban legends often resemble a proper joke, especially in the manner of transmission, but are much darker in tone and theme.

The compelling appeal of a typical urban legend are its elements of mystery, horror, fear or humor. Many urban legends are presented as warnings or cautionary tales, while others might be more aptly called "widely dispersed misinformation", such as the erroneous belief that a college student will automatically pass all courses in a semester if one's roommate commits suicide. While such "facts" may not have the narrative elements of traditional urban legend, they are nevertheless conveyed from person to person with the typical elements of horror, humor or caution.

Much like some folk tales of old, there are urban legends dealing with unexplained phenomena such as phantom apparitions.

Sara 认为 Date Doctor 也不过是种都市传言罢了。



Because when you get to a place with a woman like that it's so beyond anything physical that when I think back to when I used to run around with you and chase all these really gorgeous but, you know, shallow women I don't know, it's, it’s kind of ridiculous and vaguely pathetic.

Hitch《全民情敌》精讲之二 考考你 参考答案

1. 别犯傻了,不要在不爱你的人身上浪费感情!

Stop being a jerk! Don’t waste your heart on the one who doesn’t love you!

2. 周末我们喜欢多睡会。

On weekends we like to sleep in.

3. 这张支票真是方便。

This check really comes in handy.


影片对白  You know what your problem is, Hitch? You're all about the short game.




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