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[ 2008-01-09 16:54 ]


影片简介  Huckleberry Hound VS Oh My Darling, Clementine

考考你   一展身手




Clementine: My name's Clementine, by the way.

Joel: I'm Joel.

Clementine: Hi, Joel. No jokes about my name. Oh no. You wouldn't do that. You're trying to be nice.

Joel: I don't know any jokes about your name.

Clementine: Huckleberry Hound.

Joel: I don't know what that means.

Clementine: Huckleberry Hound? What are you, nuts?

Joel: It's been suggested.

Clementine: Oh, my darling, oh, my darling, oh, my darling Clementine. You are lost and gone forever, dreadful sorry, Clementine. No?

Joel: Sorry. It's just, a pretty name, though. It really is nice. It, uh, means merciful, right? Clemency?

Clementine: Although it hardly fits. I'm a vindictive little bitch, truth be told.

Joel: Gee. I wouldn't think that about you.

Clementine: Why wouldn't you think that about me?

Joel: I don't know. I just… uh. I don’t know. I just… You seemed nice. So…

Clementine: Oh. Now I'm nice? God. Don't you know any other adjectives? I don't need nice. I don't need myself to be it and I don’t need anybody to be it at me.

Joel: Okay.

Clementine: Joel. It's Joel, right?

Joel: Yes.

Clementine: I'm sorry I yelled at you. I'm a little out of sorts today. My embarrassing admission is I really like that you're nice. Right now. I mean I can't tell from one moment to the next what I'm going to like, but right now I'm glad you are.

Joel: I have some stuff that, uh, that I probably should...

Clementine: Oh!

Joel: I’m writing.

Clementine: I'm sorry.


1. Nuts

Nut 在俚语中是“疯子,傻瓜”的意思,nuts 是个形容词,意思是“疯的;狂的;傻的;笨的”,例如:I'll go nuts if I have to wait much longer! 如果再等下去的话,我会发疯的!

2. It's been suggested.


3. Truth be told

有部电影的名字就是 Truth be told,翻译成中文是《真相大白》,那么 truth be told 的意思就是“说实话”,相当于 to tell you the truth。

4. Yell at

你如果冲着别人愤怒地说话,语气自然好不了,声音稍大一点还是轻的,非常不爽的时候还可能大吼大叫,像这样的情况就可以描述为 yell at someone,比如:Women players like to yell at their opponents. 女选手喜欢向对手喊叫。

5. Out of sorts

这个片语在这里的意思是“心情不好的,脾气不好的”,例如:The teacher is out of sorts this morning. 今天上午老师心情不好。


影片简介  Huckleberry Hound VS Oh My Darling, Clementine

考考你   一展身手

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