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[ 2008-02-21 17:20 ]


文化面面观  The Bone Collector 神秘拼图

考考你   一展身手





Leah: Yo-yo-yiggity-yo.

Juno: I'm a suicide risk.

Leah: Juno?

Juno: No, it's Morgan Freeman, do you have any bones that need collecting?

Leah: Only the one in my pants.

Juno: I'm pregnant.

Leah: What? Honest to blog?

Juno: Yeah, yeah, it's Bleeker's.

Leah: It's probably just a food baby, did you have a big lunch?

Juno: No, This is not a food baby, all right? I've taken like, three pregnancy tests and I am fo' shiz up the spout.

Leah: How did you even generate enough pee for three pregnancy tests? That's amazing.

Juno: I don't know, I drank like ten tons of SunnyD. Anyway, dude, I, I'm telling you I'm pregnant and you're acting shockingly cavalier.

Leah: Is this for real? Like for real for real?

Juno: Unfortunately yes.

Leah: Oh, my God! Oh shit! Phuket Thailand!

Juno: That was kind of the emotion that I was searching for on the first take.

Leah: So, are you going to Havenbrook or Women Now? ‘Cause you know you need a note from your parents for Havenbrook.

Juno: Yeah, I know. No, I'm going to go to Women Now, just 'cause they help out women now.

Leah: Do you want me to call for you? Because I called for Becky last year.

Juno: No, I can call myself. Oh, but I do need your help with something, it's like critically important.



1. Yo-yo-yiggity-yo.

这通常是人们高兴的时候弄出来的声响。Yo 通常表示“hello”等表示问候的意思。

2. I'm a suicide risk


3. No, it's Morgan Freeman, do you have any bones that need collecting?

Leah 问电话那头是不是Juno,Juno回答“不,是Morgan Freeman”。“Do you have any bones that need collecting”是指电影The Bone Collector,但实际上,出演这部电影的黑人演员是Denzel Washington, 而不是Morgan Freeman,这个错误不知是否是编剧有意为之。Juno 这里是说“不,是Morgan Freeman。(他的名言)你要不要捡骨头(收尸)?”

4. Only the one in my pants.

Bone 在俚语中可指penis。这里是Leah 开的一个玩笑。

5. honest to blog

这也是现在这个时代才会有的流行语。这个片语本来应该是“honest to God”,如果我说了什么话你不相信我,你问到底是不是真的,我就说“Yes I am telling the truth, honest to God.”,因为人们对上帝都一定要说真话的。但是现在时代大多数人都有了blog,人们在blog里写的通常都是真话(或者我们不知道真假,但通常都假定是真的),所以honest to blog 在这里就是可以理解为“真的吗/你说的是真话吗/你发誓是真的”?

6. food baby

大家都知道吃多了肚子就会鼓起来,好像怀孕一样。Food baby 就是指这种情况。


文化面面观  The Bone Collector 神秘拼图

考考你   一展身手

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