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[ 2008-05-02 17:46 ]


影片对白Somebody finally arrived. You finally got here. Mr. Prompt.


5. if pressed


6. Told ya

Ya 是 you的一种口语形式。

7. I can't help the traffic.


8. line up

这里的意思是“organize, make ready, make the arrangements for组织好,准备好,安排好”,比如:They lined up considerable support for the bill. 他们召集了很多人支持这个提案。

9. get one's hopes up

Don't get someone's hopes up是一个习惯用语,当你委婉地拒绝别人,不想让别人期望太高的时候,就可以用到这句话。比如:---How did your finals go? 期末考试的结果如何?---It went well, but I don't want to get my hopes up. 还不错,不过我不会寄太多希望。


Sideways 杯酒人生


Sideways is a 2004 Academy Award-winning and Golden Globe Award-winning comedy/drama film, co-written and directed by Alexander Payne. It is based on the 2004 novel of the same name by Rex Pickett.

Miles (Paul Giamatti) is a single divorcé, unpublished writer, eighth-grade English teacher, depression sufferer, and xenophile, who takes his soon-to-be-married actor friend and old college roommate, Jack (Thomas Haden Church), on a week-long road trip through Santa Ynez Valley wine country. Miles wants to drink wine, eat great food, play golf, enjoy the scenery, and send Jack off in style. However, Jack is more interested in "sowing his wild oats" and having one last sexually libertine week. Soon after their arrival in wine country, they meet Maya (Virginia Madsen), a waitress at Miles' favorite restaurant, and Stephanie (Sandra Oh), a winery employee who happens to be friends with Maya.

Neither tells the women about Jack's impending nuptials the next weekend. Jack soon finds himself in a sexual and romantic imbroglio with Stephanie, which inevitably puts an abrupt end to Miles' plan for taking Jack out for a good time. Although more than a little reluctant, Miles is willing to entertain Jack's antics, convinced of the temporary nature of his newfound relationship with Stephanie. Miles' decision to indulge Jack's philandering ways is also influenced by his decision, with Jack's strong encouragement, to begin to act on the crush he's developed on Maya. Soon, Jack's relationship with Stephanie accelerates, putting Miles in a precarious predicament as he continues to court Maya casually.

Eventually, Miles consummates his relationship with Maya. The next day, he lets slip the upcoming rehearsal dinner, which leads to his revelation of the upcoming wedding. An infuriated Maya, in turn, breaks the news to Stephanie, who becomes apoplectic and mercilessly attacks Jack, smashing his nose with her motorcycle helmet, which requires him to get medical treatment at a hospital. Miles and Jack later have a tense conversation where Miles flatly denies that he ever said anything about Jack's engagement to Maya.

Miles hopes that this is the end of Jack's behavior as they settle down to a barbecue dinner. Undaunted, Jack spots Cammi, a heavy-set waitress, who recognizes Jack and whom he dubs 'two tons of fun'. He goes home with her, leaving an irritated Miles once again to his own devices. Back at the hotel, Miles is awakened in the middle of the night by a naked Jack, who confesses that a cuckolded husband arrived home from work and caught Jack in flagrante delicto with his wife, and he was forced to escape in the nude and run "five klicks" (3 miles) back to the motel. A distraught Jack reveals that unfortunately, he has left his wallet behind, which contained custom-designed wedding bands. He desperately wants to retrieve his belongings, but needs Miles' help. Initially, Miles laughs at the situation and refuses to help Jack, as he believes the incorrigible skirt-chaser may finally have learned a lesson. However, Miles sees the desperation in his friend's breakdown, and agrees to help him by driving him back to Cammi's house. After Jack pleads he's in no fit state, Miles reluctantly agrees to personally reclaim the wallet by sneaking into the garbage-strewn dwelling to retrieve it, passing by the Rubenesque couple, who are now engaged in sex themselves. He retrieves the wallet, but is spotted and is chased down the street by the enraged, portly, naked husband. Miles hops in his car and barely makes a clean getaway.

On the way back to Los Angeles, where the wedding is being held, Jack runs Miles' red Saab 900 convertible into a tree and then into a ditch, in order to have corroborating evidence for his story that a car accident mangled his face. The ploy works, much to Miles' chagrin. Jack's fiancee sympathizes with his injuries.

Miles' ex-wife Victoria is still friendly with Jack, and is at the wedding. During the road trip, Jack had revealed that Victoria remarried, but his romantic feelings for her are still strong. At the ceremony, Victoria introduces Miles to her new husband and also informs Miles that she is pregnant. Miles does his best to contain his deep sadness and congratulates her, but abruptly decides to skip the wedding reception and instead return to his dingy apartment in San Diego, where he fetches his prized bottle of wine, a 1961 Château Cheval Blanc, and drinks it from a plastic cup at a fast-food restaurant.

It seems that this is the end for Miles, but Maya eventually returns his apologetic phone call. She has read his unpublished manuscript, and a letter of apology that he sent to her. Touched by his sentimental side, she leaves a message on his machine telling him that she cannot believe the book was turned down, as she admires it, but is also confounded by portions of it; in particular, the ending. Her message also discloses portions of his novel that, in turn, reveal events in Miles' life that may have shaped his bleak perspective on the world, particularly the implication that his father might have committed suicide (although this is unclear as, according to Miles, the novel is only loosely based on events in his own life). The film ends with Miles again driving north, standing on Maya's doorstep, and knocking on her door. (answers.com)



1. 南希得为这场音乐会准备一间大厅。

2. 黎明时分杰克上路了。

3. 从雍和宫到王府井一路拥挤不堪。

4. ---你要给我们来场表演吗?


Keeping mum《保持缄默》精讲之六 考考你 参考答案

1. 他尽全力及时完成了(工作)。

He did his damnedest to get done in time.

2. 她至于在找到别的房子之前卖掉这栋房子吗?

Would she go as far as to sell the house before she's found another?

3. 我得私下和比尔谈谈修理的事。

I must have a quiet word with Bill about the repairs.


影片对白Somebody finally arrived. You finally got here. Mr. Prompt.



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