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Runaway Bride《落跑新娘》精讲之二
[ 2008-06-16 16:56 ]


影片对白They love you. They hate you. They're hot. They're cold. They're high.


4. bolt


5. adios


6. plow down

Plow 有“费力穿过,费力前进”的意思,因为举行婚礼的新人是站在圣坛上,要逃跑得先下来,所以用plow down。我们来看个例子:I plowed my way through the crowd. 我费力穿过人群。

7. she’s turning another body on the spit

Spit 是我们用来熏烤肉类的工具,可以翻转,以便把肉烤得更均匀。这里是个比喻,是说Runaway Bride 让她的新郎们经受煎熬。


西班牙奔牛节 Pamplona bull running festival

Runaway Bride《落跑新娘》精讲之二

The festival of San Fermin, or the Pamplona bull running as it's more commonly known outside Spain officially begins at midday on 6th July every year with the 'chupinazo' which takes place on the balcony of the Casa Consistorial in Pamplona. Thousands of people congregate in the square awaiting the mayor's official announcement that the fiestas have begun, a rocket is launched and the partying begins.

The history of the bullrunning in Pamplona is not clear. There is evidence of the festival from as far back as the 13th century when it seems the events took place in October as this coincided with the festival of San Fermin on October 10th. It seems that the modern day celebration has evolved from this as well as individual commercial and bullfighting fiestas which can be traced back to the 14th century.

Over many years the mainly religious festival of San Fermin was diluted by music, dancing, bullfights and markets such that the Pamplona Council proposed that the whole event be moved to July 7th when the weather is far more conducive to such a celebration. To this day San Fermin remains a fixed date every year with the first bullrun at 8am on July 7th and the last at the same time on July 14th.

Runaway Bride《落跑新娘》精讲之二

The joining together of the religious, commercial and bullfighting festivals and the move to July 7th led to the first official celebration of San Fermines in 1591. This inaugural fiesta was a low key affair in comparison to the modern day running of the bulls as it only lasted two days although there was much merriment involving music, a procession and a bullfight. Dancing and fireworks became features of the festival over the next few years and the event was extended to July 10th.

By the 19th century all kinds of fairground attractions were making their way to Pamplona including human cannonballs and circus animals. The actual route of the bull run didn't have a double security wall as is the case today so the bulls were able to escape, creating chaos in the streets of Pamplona.

It was thanks to the writing of American writer Ernest Hemingway that San Fermin developed the notoriety of today. The publication of his novel "The Sun Also Rises" in 1926 told the world about the Pamplona bull running festival which attracted people from all over the world to this annual festival. Such is the popularity of the event that overcrowding is a serious problem and if you're planning on staying there then you should book accommodation many months in advance. (spanish-fiestas.com)



1. 妈妈准备了好吃的东西给我。

2. 别理他——他不过是想激怒你而已。

3. 太糟糕了,我总是追不到女孩子。没有好女孩想和我一起出去。

Runaway Bride《落跑新娘》精讲之一 考考你 参考答案

1. 谢谢你倾听我的想法并给我建议。

Thanks for letting me bounce some ideas off you.

2. 别再数零钱了,这没啥重要的。

Stop counting the change--forget it!

3. 你以为装秋千很容易啊——根本不是那么回事!

You think assembling this swingset was easy--forget it!

4. 已经做过了,我不会再尝试了。

Been there, done that, and I'm not going to try that again.


影片对白They love you. They hate you. They're hot. They're cold. They're high.



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