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Runaway Bride《落跑新娘》精讲之一
[ 2008-06-13 17:47 ]


影片简介  Runaway Bride《落跑新娘》

考考你 一展身手



Ike: Fisher, pick up. Fisher, it's me! Fisher, pick up! I'm late, come on, come on. I need to bounce some ideas off you. Mine are all boring, done it, been there.

Man1: Hey, Ike!

Ike: When are you guys gonna stop waking me up every morning?

Man1: When your column stops putting me to sleep.

Ike: Funny, funny.

Man1: Yo, Jonah!

Ike: Fisher, come on! Are you really not there? All right, cool. I'll talk to you later. Excuse me. Excuse me. You know, I'm thinking of doing an article about limousines. What do you think about people who've never been in one?

Woman1: I'm sorry I don't know people like that.

Ike: Thanks. I need someone to bounce some ideas off of and get the juices flowing. I got one hour, 27 minutes, 52 seconds.

Man2: Hey, Ike! When are you gonna put me in a column?

Ike: When your T-shirts stop shrinking.

Woman2: Shrinks?

Man2: Funny. Funny.

Woman2: Oh, forget it.

Man2: He's kidding. He's just kidding. Here, give me $5. Give me $2.

Woman2: No way.

Man2: Folks, I got nice shirts here. Look! "I love everybody. You're next."


1. bounce ideas off somebody

这个片语的意思是“present an idea to somebody, and receive a reaction 和某人谈论想法,并听取某人的意见”,If you 'let someone bounce ideas off you' you make your self available to listen to ideas in a spirit of openness (and possibly give creative criticism so as to encourage further creative ideas). 比如:Jena, please do me a favor, I really need to bounce ideas off you. 珍娜,帮我个忙,我真需要听听你的意见。

2. done it, been there

这个片语的原形是been there, done that,表示的是“已经……过”,再重复的话就没有新意、很乏味,比如:No, I don't want to climb Mount Washington; been there, done that. 不,我不想去爬华盛顿山,我已经爬过了,再爬一次很无聊。

3. get the juices flowing

这是一个很生动、形象的表达,意思是“点燃激情,兴奋起来”,juice 有“精力,活力”的意思。


影片简介  Runaway Bride《落跑新娘》


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