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You, me and Dupree《同居三人行》精讲之三
[ 2008-09-22 09:34 ]



文化面面观  Thank-you note 是老外们常用的一种便条,受到他人的礼遇、馈赠或援助之后,可以写一张便条来表示感谢、联络感情。那么便条该怎么写呢?

考考你 一展身手


Dupree: I really appreciate this, guys. Trust me, no more open flames. I've learned my lesson.

Molly: All right, well, it's been a long night. So, I'm gonna go to bed. Dupree, try not to go to sleep with that head wet. Okay?

Dupree: Good night, Molly.

Carl: Dupree. I don't mean to come down on you, but you need to start getting your life together. We're grown-ups now.

Dupree: Yeah.

Carl: You know what I mean?

Dupree: I know. I know. You're right.

Carl: And if you're going to stay here, things are gonna be different from now on. No more naked stuff.

Dupree: Well, it felt natural to be naked. I...

Carl: I don't care!

Dupree: Okay.

Carl: I do not care. Clean up after yourself, watch the noise, try to help out around the house, please? It's not too much to ask.

Dupree: You're right. Carl? I can be really helpful when I set my mind to it. And that's what I'm gonna do.

Carl: Oh, and... Another thing. Would you mind writing some thank-you notes for me?

Dupree: Okay.

Carl: Yeah. That'd be great.


1. open flame

意思是“明火”,比如:Avoid smoking or using an open flame in case of a gas main leak. 避免吸烟和使用明火以防煤气泄露。

2. come down on

这个片语的意思是“to punish, oppose, or reprimand severely and often with force 责备,惩罚,对……不客气”,比如:If you don't behave I'll come down on you with heavy hand. 如果你不老实,我定会对你不客气。

3. get your life together

这个片语的原形是get it together,get one's act together,意思就是“get organized 打起精神做该做的事,安排好”,这里的意思就是“把一个人的生活安排得更好”,比如:After finishing college, I didn't work hard to plan for the future for several years. But finally I got my act together, and got accepted into graduate school. 大学毕业后的那几年里我没有努力规划自己的未来。但是最终我还是把自己的生活安排好、读了研究生。

4. set one's mind to

意思是“决心做……”,比如:Now that I know what I can achieve when I set my mind to it, my dreams are no longer out of reach. 既然确定了目标,我的梦想就不再遥远。


文化面面观  Thank-you note 是老外们常用的一种便条,受到他人的礼遇、馈赠或援助之后,可以写一张便条来表示感谢、联络感情。那么便条该怎么写呢?

考考你 一展身手

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