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Kung Fu Panda《功夫熊猫》精讲之一
[ 2008-12-17 20:51 ]

影片对白  Legend tells of a legendary warrior whose kungfu skills were the stuff of legend.



Kung Fu Panda 功夫熊猫

这只肥肥的熊猫伴随着很多中国人和美国人度过了2008年的夏天,给大家带来了不少乐趣。那句“There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness.”更是成为每个熊猫迷津津乐道的警句。

Kung Fu Panda《功夫熊猫》精讲之一

Kung Fu Panda is a 2008 American animated comedy film. It was directed by John Stevenson and Mark Osborne and produced by Melissa Cobb. The film was produced by DreamWorks Animation's studio in Glendale, California and distributed by Paramount Pictures. The film stars the voices of Jack Black as the panda, Po, along with Jackie Chan, Dustin Hoffman, Angelina Jolie, Lucy Liu, Seth Rogen, David Cross, and Ian McShane. Set in ancient China, the plot revolves around a bumbling panda who aspires to be a kung fu master. After a much feared warrior escapes from prison, Po is foretold to be the Dragon Warrior, much to the chagrin of the resident kung fu warriors. Dreamworks is working on a sequel to Kung Fu Panda, which is currently in pre-production.

Although the concept of a "kung fu panda" has been around since at least 1993, the idea for the film was conceived by Michael Lachance, a DreamWorks Animation executive. Work on the film did not begin until 2004. The film was originally intended to be a parody, but director Stevenson decided to instead shoot an action comedy martial arts film that incorporates the hero's journey narrative archetype for the lead character. The computer animation in the film was more complex than anything DreamWorks had done before. As with most DreamWorks animated films, Hans Zimmer scored Kung Fu Panda. He visited China to absorb the culture and get to know the China National Symphony Orchestra as part of his preparation. (wikipedia)



1. 他甚至可能是大哈利的好对手。 

2. 长牙的婴儿通常喜欢咬硬物。 

3. There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness.

4. Legend tells of a legendary warrior whose kungfu skills were the stuff of legend.

One flew over the cuckoo's nest《飞越疯人院》精讲之六 考考你 参考答案

1. It was thought he might have resisted arrest, but in the event he accompanied the officers to the Police Station, as meek as a lamb. 原来人们认为他会拒捕的,但结果他像绵羊一样,老老实实地随着警察到了警察局。

2. 如果他以为在他骂我家人时我会老实地坐那儿听着,他一定会感到震惊。 If he'd thought I would sit there as meek as a lamb while he abused my family, he must have got a real surprise.

3. But everybody knows the movies are full of shit. 但大家都知道那种电影全都是胡扯。

4. 他还说我将遇到的每个人都是十足的混蛋。 He also said everyone I'd meet would be full of shit.

影片对白  Legend tells of a legendary warrior whose kungfu skills were the stuff of legend.



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