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Mamma mia! 《妈妈咪呀》精讲之二
[ 2009-05-13 17:31 ]




Mamma mia! 《妈妈咪呀》精讲之一

《妈妈咪呀》和《量子危机》- 2008英国人最爱

Mamma Mia! 妈妈咪呀


Sam: You're a close friend of Donna's?

Bill: No, I haven't heard from her for 20 years,

Sam: Really?

Bill: And then this invite, out of the blue.

Harry: You know, that's a coincidence, neither had I.

Bill: Going about! You got it.

Harry: Right, Wait...I've got it, Fine, Fine,

Rosie: You should have brought the iron lung.

Tanya: Why did I wear stilettos? Oh, my God!

Sophie: Auntie Rosie!

Tanya: Look at Sophie, She's gotten so beautiful!

Donna: I know.

Rosie: Come here to me. Sophie Sheridan, you get more gorgeous every time I see you. You do.

Tanya: I bet you don't remember me.

Rosie: Not with all that plastic surgery.

Sophie: Of course I do, Auntie Tanya, You haven't changed at all.

Tanya: I'm so happy for you.

Donna: Look at my baby, her whole life ahead of her.

Sophie: Oh, please, I'm getting married; I'm not joining a convent!

Tanya: She's feisty, I love that,

Rosie: She's a chip off the old block,

Donna: If she were more like me, she wouldn't be getting married at 20, or married at all. I meant to get the laundry down before you came.

Rosie: Tanya's going home!

Donna: And you'd think with all this new technology, they would figure out a machine that would make the beds.

Sophie: And if they did, you'd be going along behind it, making them again, I know you, Mom.

Donna: But I am good at modern...Tell them about the Internets. He's gonna put me on the line.

Sophie: Online.

Sky: I'm designing a website, I just think this place has so much potential, and no one knows we're here. So, if I market it really, really well, then, hopefully, people will come flooding in.

Sophie: We just want this to be the ultimate romantic destination. This was once supposed to be the site of Aphrodite's fountain, you know, the goddess of love. And if you drank the water, you were supposed to find true love and perfect happiness.

Tanya: I'll have a glass of that.

Rosie: Yeah, I'll have a bucket.

Tanya: Aphrodite's spa? Well, I thought you didn't wantboatloads of tourists.

Donna: Oh, no, not boatloads, no.


1.out of the blue:突然地。影片中Bill纳闷的说:“我有20年没跟她联系了,然后这张请帖就来了,完全没有征兆。” 来看例句:

She arrived out of the blue. 她没有事先告知就来了。

her brother showed up at the wedding out of the blue. 她的哥哥突然在婚礼上出现了。

2.go about:(船)抢风行驶,改变方向。影片中Bill对Harry说:“船偏向了,快抓稳。”

go about 还有(消息等)流传,(疾病)蔓延的意思。比如:

There's a lot of flu going about just now.目前流感猖獗。

3.iron lung:人工呼吸器。妙语连珠的Rosie对气喘吁吁打趣道:“你应该带个人工呼吸器来的。”

4.a chip off the old block:相貌(脾气)和父母一样的孩子。Rosie看着伶牙俐齿的Sophie感概的对Donna说:“有其母必有其女啊。”来看例句:

He is a great guy, a chip off the old block. 他是一位好人,就像他父亲一样。

5.make the bed:这个短语可不要望文生义理解成“做床”的意思,它的正确解释是“铺床”。

Shall I help you make the bed? 我帮你铺床,好吗?

6.flood in: 大量地涌到。Sky踌躇满志的说:“如果我宣传工作做得足够好的话,人们会潮水般涌来。”来看例句:

7.Aphrodite:阿芙罗狄蒂(爱与美的女神, 相当于罗马的 Venus)。一脸兴奋的Sophie对大家说:“这里曾经是是传说中阿佛洛狄特的喷泉所在的位置。”


He imported wine by the boatload.他进口了一满船酒。



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