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Desperate Housewives 《绝望主妇》精讲十一
[ 2009-06-16 08:27 ]

What are Godparents?



Lynette: Hey, Carlos. Did I ever tell you that Tom and I seriously considered you and Gaby for Penny's godparents?

Carlos:You're not getting Friday nights off. Look, I'm not happy about the schedule either. I'm missing my kids, too.

Lynette: Then do something about it. You're the president. Put the brakes on Lucy.

Carlos:Lynette, I hired her to crack the whip, and that's what she's doing. It's good for the company.

Lynette: But she makes people crazy. Can't you talk to her, get her to dial it down a bit?

Carlos:I will think about it. But don't be asking me for favors like this. When we're at the office, I'm not your neighbor, I'm not your friend. I'm your boss. Got it? Oh, by the way, you and Tom are coming over for cocktails on Saturday.

Lynette: Oh, yeah. I plan to get drunk and bitch about my boss.

Bree: I'm sorry, but this is unacceptable. Do you at least know why he steals? If there were some sordid childhood trauma we could blame it on, it would really help me out with the neighbors.

Orson: Oh, he knows. Dr. Bernstein uncovered that my very first session.

Bree: Really? And yet he keeps charging me. So, doctor, what's this "revelation" that you've been keeping from me for $200 an hour?

Orson: I steal to hurt you.

Bree: Why would you want to hurt me?

Orson: Each day for the past year, you have, inch by inch, slice by slice, brought me closer to being a eunuch.

Bree: Would you excuse us for moment? This just became a private conversation.

Dr. Bernstein: If I stay, I might be able to help.

Bree: You wanna help? Why don't you go down to the pharmacy in the lobby and buy some aspirin? I'm gonna need it. I don't deserve this. I have been nothing but supportive of you since you got out of jail. I even gave you a job.

Orson: I wanted to be your partner. You made me an employee.

Bree: So you decided to punish me by resorting to petty theft? For god's sakes, Orson, I'm your wife.

Orson: Perhaps, but I'm not your husband.


1.put the brakes on: 阻止。影片中Lynette被要求频繁加班,无奈中对Carlos说:“你才是总裁,给Lucy施加些压力。”来看例句:

The runaway inflation would seem to put the brakes on such a trend. 失控的通货膨胀似乎阻止这一趋势的发展。

We've got to put the brakes on our spending habits.我们得马上停止浪费的毛病。

2.crack the whip:把鞭子在空中甩得劈啪作响,采取严厉手段。面对老邻居又是下属的Lynette,Carlos说:“我雇佣她就是为了采取铁血手段的,这是她的本分。”

If you won’t keep quiet when I reason with you, I have to crack the whip. 如果我跟你们讲道理你们还不保持安静,那我只好采取严厉手段。

3.dial down: 减弱,放松。Lynette对Carlos说:“你能否和她谈谈,让她稍微宽容些?”

Then maybe you need to dial down your attitude.也许你应该注意一下自己的态度。

4.bitch about:说坏话,发牢骚。影片中Lynette回答Carlos:“我打算喝个大醉,骂骂老板。”来看例句:

Don' t bitch about the heat. 不要抱怨天气热。

5.sordid:可怜的, 悲惨的。Orson的小偷小摸让Bree很丢脸面,她说:“如果可以归咎于童年时代的创伤,我也好向邻居们去解释。”

a sordid story 悲惨的故事

What are Godparents?


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