隔间农场 Cube farm
[ 2009-07-13 14:28 ]
曾几何时,高档写字楼、带隔间的办公室,那可是令人羡慕的白领生活啊。感觉只要坐进那小隔间里,自己的身份便立马高贵了似的。而现在,隔间已经不是什么特别的象征了,甚至有人把它们称为cube farm(隔间农场)。看到这个称呼,是不是高贵的感觉立马消失了呢?
Cube farm refers to a cluster of cubicles in an office. From the top down, they look like a bee nest, hiving productive little workers into their cells.
Cube farm(隔间农场)指挤满隔间的办公室。如果从办公室顶部看下去,这些隔间就像蜂窝一样,里面住挤满了忙碌的小工蚁们。
This is the vain attempt to produce privacy in an otherwise open-office layout through the placement of shared partitions in a box-like arrangement around each adjoining work area.
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(英语点津 Helen 编辑)